Let go of your past – Say hello to your future

Do you sometime feel stuck in your past. Not because you want to, but because it has become part of your identity. 

Listen, and let me explain:

You were bullied at school and therefore felt "less valuable" when you're among people. Of course, this is not true, but you may still hold onto it to this day because it "became a part of you ”. Are you thinking that, and that's why you still feel less valuable when you're among people.

Or it could be that you were told by your parents that "if you got your act together you could achieve almost anything" and to this day you sit with the feeling that you are still not "doing enough". Because you have not achieved everything.

Or maybe you are always "the funny one", but feel that it has become a slightly worn version of you. A version you want to put down.

And yet you keep repeating your old patterns. Why? Because it gives you some kind of security. A comfortable feeling of something familiar. But is that kind of security really that important to you? If it is the same (perhaps even false?) sense of security that keeps you stuck in the past and prevents you from unfolding into the future - is it worth it?

When we discover that old inhibiting patterns have become part of our identity, it is time to let them go. Because they hold us back. They stop us. They make us hit our glass ceiling. This is because we have come to believe that our old ways of functioning are necessary for us to feel like "ourselves".

When you discover it or realize it, you become far. Because then you can talk to a mentor, or a coach. And such a conversation can help you not to be stuck in the old situation anymore. To detach yourself from a self-image that belongs to the past, already here you will discover a huge freedom.

Being able to talk about your pain and your challenges is far better than unconsciously being stuck in them.

Photo by MARK ADRIANE on Unsplash

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