Training for the mentee

First they work with «Where are you»? with strength, weaknesses and values. And then they go into «Where do you want to go»? and here they will dream and work with SMART-goals.

And in the end «What do you need to get there»?

The participants are ready for their first training in Mentor-LELO mentoring program in Stavanger for refugee. We start with Lifeplanning which would be their fundament and they will do a personal travel within themselves.

Set your goal

We think about things rather than emotions. We believe that when we reach our goals in terms of education, money, dream job, etc. .. When we one day see that everything will be exactly as you want it.

The truth is that this approach often creates more frustration than joy. For when we finally sitting in our «perfect house» with our «perfect wife / husband» and «the perfect job», we wake up one morning and find that all these external things really have not changed our emotional experience and given us what we initially wanted.

If you set yourself a goal that is an external things (ie something outside of you), you can instead ask:
What will give me when I get …….?

Will you try to be your mentor?

It’s hard to get what you want if you do not know what you want!

Your goal should be:
• Specifically,
• Measurable
• You must know when you are in the target

Now, think about what your five goals are right now?

Goal 1:

Goal 2:

Goal 3:

Goal 4:

Goal 5:

Holding seminar in Trondheim-Norway this weekend

This weekend I am going to Trondheim to train in their mentorprogram for Young Enterprice Norway. On saturday I am going to train all the students the whole day, the seminar is akind of lifeplanning. We are looking at their strenght, their weeknesses and their possibilities, and final some SMART-goals.

On sunday is it mentoring seminar for all the mentors. Learning and training «The Big Five» and prepare them for the task.

And not only that but I am also going to help them in the matching process as well.

This is going to be so much fun, I am very excited.