Why not?

Why isn’t everybody having a mentor?

it strikes me, time after time. Everywhere when I talk to people and for people about mentoring. Almost everyone is responding the same way… a big question mark in their faces.

I WANT A MENTOR, they say…

and the they wondering how to get one.

And that is my question to, why isn’t everybody having a mentor?

A powerful Personal Development Plan

Personal Development Plans can often be “something and nothing” – a paper exercise, but they can also be useful. I am a big promoter of writing plans and has put a yearly plan each january. But when are all the plans at their best?

  • Identify clearly the difference between where you are now and where you want and/or need to be
  • Link immediate (short-term) objectives and actions with longer-term, wider personal goals
  • Have both a developmental (learning) perspective and a career management perspective
  • Provide an appropriate level of stretch
  • Are motivating and create a bias for action
  • Are shared with your support network
  • Can be monitored to check that progress is happening and how fast it is happening


Some useful questions to ask 

Why do I want this?

How does this goal align with my personal values?

How does it align with the values of the organization?

What will I do when I have reached my goals? How should I celebrate?

9 beliefs you need to succed in everything

What you believe either weakens you or makes you stronger.

Mark hack tells us that the foundation of success is not a set of achievements or a combination of external factors; it is a mindset. Success is an attitude that comes from a framework of powerful beliefs and empowering thoughts. Because what you think and believe about your life largely determines how you feel (your attitude), what actions you take (your behavior), and what you achieve (the end result.)

He is also fortunate enough to know a number of remarkably successful people. Regardless of their profession or life passions, he noticed they all share nine common beliefs.

And they act on these beliefs every day:

1. “The problems I face are opportunities.”
The problems and challenges you face are not there to stop you. Their purpose is to bring your commitment to the surface where it can come wholly and forcefully to life.

The challenges that are the most difficult are often the ones that create the greatest positive difference. Situations with the most formidable problems are where you unearth your greatest opportunities.

The only question is: Are you willing to do what it takes? Read Think and Grow Rich.

2. “What’s important is creating value.”
Do something you are proud of. Instead of struggling to get one up on everyone else, raise your awareness to the point where the competition becomes insignificant. Get in the habit of creating real value, and you won’t feel the need to take anything away from others.

To be truly effective be sincere and helpful. Find satisfaction and fulfillment in making a difference and pulling all of life forward with you.

3. “I can’t anticipate everything, and that’s okay.”
There’s a difference between being prepared and being scared.

There’s much you can gain by planning and preparing, by anticipating what is most likely to happen and being ready for it. Yet there is no reason to be paralyzed by over-thinking and endless worry, because you have what it takes to handle even the most unexpected setbacks.

And no matter how well you plan, not everything can be anticipated anyway, and that’s actually a good thing. Sometimes when a roadblock forces you in a different direction, you cross paths with the opportunity of a lifetime.

When you are ready to read more, click here

How is your self-confidence











There are certain things you dream of doing – asking your boss for a raise or promotion, finding a new job, getting up on stage to sing or perform a comedy routine, or writing a novel or book – but you never take the steps toward actually doing them because you’re afraid of what will happen if you try.

Does any of this sound familiar?

If it does, maybe you should try Brian Tracy and his Science of Self-Confidence program, maybe that could be exactly what you need to overcome your fear and achieve success in every area of your life.

Look her for more information: Self-Confidence, her I come…

How do you create more passion?

  • If your life was a movie would you go and see it again and again? If not, consider what you can do to get the life you want?
  • If money, time and resources were not an obstacle, what would you spend your time?
  • If you had one year left to live, what would you do?

Learn from your answers. What should you spend more time in everyday life, what small adjustments you can make if you’re not ready to go «all in».

Ask yourself: How can I use these answers to create more passion in my life?

Thanks to Sofia Manning for those insights, if you want to learn more about Sofia Manning look up: www.sofiamanning.com (in Danish).

Convictions for successful living

Here are 7 convictions which I have found that people with success are having:

  • I feel the fear and act anyway
  • If I follow my heart, I’ll never fault
  • I do what I want
  • I know I can provide value
  • I create my own reality
  • I can not help
  • I am humble and focus on the good in what happens

How well do you know yourself and how you react. Sit down and decide to integrate at least 2 of these beliefs and lay a plan for how you will do it.

Creating Your Character

Is it like an Artist Creating a Sculpture?

Jim Rohn means that and in his latest newsletter he write some about it. Here is what he said:

Could creating your character be likened to an artist creating a sculpture? In my opinion, I believe that character is not something that just happens by itself, any more than a chisel can create a work of art without the hand of an artist guiding it. In both instances, a conscious decision for a specific outcome has been made. A conscious process is at work. Character is the result of hundreds and hundreds of choices you make that gradually turn who you are, at any given moment, into who you want to be. If that decision-making process is not present, you will still be somebody. You will still be alive, but may have a personality rather than a character.

Character is not something you were born with and can’t change, like your fingerprints. In fact, because you weren’t born with it, it is something that you must take responsibility for creating. I don’t believe that adversity by itself builds character and I certainly don’t think that success erodes it. Character is built by how you respond to what happens in your life. Whether it’s winning every game or losing every game. Getting rich or dealing with hard times. You build character out of certain qualities that you must create and diligently nurture within yourself. Just like you would plant and water a seed or gather wood and build a campfire. You’ve got to look for those things in your heart and in your gut. You’ve got to chisel away in order to find them. Just like chiseling away the rock in order to create the sculpture that has previously existed only in your imagination.

But do you want to know the really amazing thing about character? If you are sincerely committed to making yourself into the person you want to be, you’ll not only create those qualities, but you’ll continually strengthen them. And you will recreate them in abundance even as you are drawing on them every day of your life. Just like the burning bush in the biblical book of Exodus, the bush burned but the flames did not consume it. Character sustains itself and nurtures itself even as it is being put to work, tested, and challenged. And once character is formed, it will serve as a solid, lasting foundation upon which to build the life you desire.

What is your opinion? How did you create your character?

Do the Work by Steven Pressfield

Michael Hyatt recommend the book Do the work, http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1936719010/fwis-20

And he says that If you are a writer—or a creative of any time—this book is must reading. It is not that different from the War of Art, but he found it more focused and helpful.
If you are having a hard time getting started on that really important project or if you are stuck, this book is for you!

I know that this is on my reading list, thank you Michael Hyatt, http://michaelhyatt.com/


What can be at the leaders to-do list?

John C. Maxwell says leadership is just as much about developing your team’s talents as it is about nurturing your own leadership skills. The best-selling author of Talent Is Never Enough reminds us that growth is modeled after and expected from leaders. As a successful leader, you must do eight things.

1. Find your own personal strength zone.
A successful leader is a person who knows what they do well and does it, but they also know what their people know well and help them practice it.

2. Help others find their strength zone.
What is their special ability? You can’t make others good at something you are bad at. You can only increase a person’s giftedness by helping them answer important questions of themselves. What is their temperament? What is their passion? What choices are they making in their life? Help them with these things and there’s no limit to how much someone can improve in these areas.

3. Help them define success.
Success is hugely subjective. Knowing your purpose in life, growing to your maximum potential or sowing seeds that benefit others are all great definitions of success.

4. Help them understand how to be successful.
The secret of our success is determined by our daily agenda. Decision-making is important and the management of the decision-making is even more important. Do the right thing today to be in a good place for tomorrow.

5. Teach and practice the four pillars of success.
• Relationships
• Attitude/Tenacity
• Leadership/Influencing people
• Equipping and developing other people

6. Teach your team the 20/80 principle, or the Pareto principle.
Within this, prioritize life. What is required of me? What gives the greatest return? What give me the greatest reward? When these three line up, then life becomes wonderful.

7. Provide resources for them.
There are only three times when people change. When they’ve heard enough that they have to change; they learn enough that they want to change; or receive enough that they are able to change. Put those resources of change in their hand.

8. Require them to reproduce themselves.
They have to teach someone else what they learn. Don’t spend valuable time with people who want to consume but not share. Share the knowledge. Share the wealth.

As I can see is number 1-6 about mentoring, either yourself or other. So I can say that Maxwell have 6 very good points on the leaders to-do list.

Do you have some other things on your to-do list?