You have to have empathy

As a mentor you always have to be on top, and you can´t have a «bad» day. If you do, pretend you don´t. One of the best tools for a mentor is to show empathy with the mentee. It is one of the greatest gifts you can give to anyone, the gift of attention.

The more you care, the stronger you can be. Don’t operate on the heart with a hatchet. Show your contempt for the problem and your concern for the mentee.

Be sensitive to the plight of others. You have to know about the tragedies as well as the triumphs, the failures as well as the success.

How do you build a bridge between age 12 and age 40? By remembering.

Some small techniques and  afterthought.

You have to have empathy…



“Leadership is the capacity and will to rally men to a common purpose and the character which inspires confidence.”

How a leader deals with the circumstances of life tells you many things about his character.  Crisis doesn’t necessarily make character, but it certainly does reveal it. We choose our character.  In fact, we create it every time we make choices. The respect that leadership must have requires that one’s ethics be without question.  A leader not only stays above the line, between right & wrong, he stays well clear of the “gray-areas.”

What must everyone know about character?

  • Actions are the Real Indicator of Character
  • Talent is a Gift, but Character is a Choice
  • Character Brings Lasting Success with People
  • Strong Character is the Foundation on which to Build Success


Making Global Impact Begins With You


Imagine you have the ability to change the world. What would such a world look like?
Few have the ability to change the course of history, but through a combination of courageous acts, we can all influence change.
The legendary footballer Pelé of Brazil, watched his father cry as Brazil lost the World Cup to Uruguay in 1950 and told his father “Do not worry, one day I will win it.”
Pelé went on to win 3 World Cups and transformed the game of football.
Go out and through your action you will impact the whole world.


Gratitude: A Key to Success

What do you think about when I say gratitude?

And what about gratitude is a key for your success?

As you know I am writing an article about that for a book. And I would love to hear your insights about that. The book is all about gratitude: A key to success.

Comments please…

Personal Vision

When you are working on you personal vision, I got three important questions.

What makes you cry?

What makes you dream?

What gives you new energy?

Implement this in your personal vision and you can easier implement it in your life.


Working with the chapter in the book about Gratitude it´s important to remember some small things. How to build a story.

I am always trying to use this three keys:
1. A good story to get the readers interest and that they want to read more.
2. The main story
3. Summary and a wow ending

This will always make your reader happy and wanting more…

Young Enterprice Norway

This week I was a judge for Young Enterprice Norway, in Oslo. And their first contest for students and on university level.

There were 14 student companies, with names like «Babbfit» (a smart holder for kebab), «Gearlocks» (a new way of secure your ski at ski resorts) and «Innovation Corporation» (a new way of teaching methods in kindergarden and elementary school).

First there was a presentation from the stage and then all the judges went to become a supervisor for 4 companies.

The judges was to find a winner for Best Presentation and The Best Student Company i Oslo.

And in the end this were the winners:

1. Sørhus Andersen SB

winner of the Best Student in Oslo in 2010 had the absolute best business plan and displays professionalism at all levels. The business idea is certainly feasible. The company has a product range with the potential for growth jury considers that the market is willing to pay for. The company has also thought through what they want to do when they reach profitability. They produce healthy and good crackers and biscuits.

2. Lett& Mett SB

is a company that represents an alternative product in an attractive market. The company has a credible plan around the market orientation in urban areas. The company has, after the jury’s opinion the strongest team assembled in terms of expertise and associated networks. They offer a tasty diet weight loss program consisting of a subscription scheme for ready-made meals delivered home.

3. Innovation Corporation SB

is a company that showed a lot of flexibility to adapt to the individual customer. The jury sees a big growth potential and it is a unique academic professionalism of the service. They have the potential to contribute to strengthening the academic content of school activities for years to come: Innovation Corporation SB from the University of Oslo, Department of Art. Through the concept they are working to strengthen arts and crafts subject’s position in school activities by providing personalized educational courses.

In September I mentored Innovation Corporation (No. 3 in Oslo) on their business plan (But I did not judge them in the competition).

Read more her (in Norwegian)

Giving is better than receiving


It’s best to start the discipline of generosity when the amounts are small. It’s easy to give ten cents out of a dollar; it’s a little harder to give a hundred thousand out of a million.

Giving is better than receiving because giving starts the receiving process.

Here’s what is exciting about sharing ideas with others: If you share a new idea with ten people, they get to hear it once and you get to hear it ten times.

Sharing makes you bigger than you are. The more you pour out, the more life will be able to pour in.

Somebody says, “Well, I can’t be concerned about other people. About the best I can do is to take care of myself.” Well, then you will always be poor.

What you give becomes an investment that will return to you multiplied at some point in the future.

Only by giving are you able to receive more than you already have.

«Vitamins for the Mind» is a weekly sampling of original quotes on a specific topic taken from The Treasury of Quotes by Jim Rohn.

Would you like to be a child again – Do you need to?

Learn to think like a kid again and unlock your hidden potential.

Have you heard about those fun offices where play is encouraged? They’re not just cubicle legend. Companies like Google and 3M have crafted colorful, dynamic workspaces where employees play with toys and video games, take nap breaks and go outside for recess. If it sounds a little childish, that’s exactly the point.

Over the past couple of decades, industry leaders have tapped into an idea that philosophers (like Nietzsche) and scientists (like Einstein) have long championed: that it is useful and sometimes necessary for people to think like children to achieve success as adults.

People tend to get stuck in mental ruts, approaching everything from their jobs to their marriages from the same tired perspective. But taking cues from children can jolt us out of complacency and view the world from a whole-new angle—if only for moments at a time. Officials at Google and 3M found fashioning offices akin to kindergarten classrooms resulted in creative, energetic environments where innovative ideas are born every day. “

When people start to think like a child, they begin to see things from a fresh perspective,” says Jack Uldrich, global futurist, business speaker and bestselling author. “They learn to step back and view problems, people and things from a completely different point of view.”


How to mind map

I am getting more and more fund of mind mapping and especially when I am reading new books. But also when you try to hold «a birds perspective» to a project.

Here are a few links to some of the mind-mapping resources that are available online: – a list of over 200 resources!

Exploratree – web based “thinking guide”

Flying Logic – web based mind-mapping

Freemind – a free download that you can take with you

Good luck in becoming a super reader and a super user of mind mapping software.