Accenture Skill Gaps Study

One of the studies that Sodexo is looking too is the one  Accenture did in november 2011, where they found that 55 percent of workers in the U.S. reported they are under pressure to develop additional skills to be successful in their current and future jobs, but only 21 percent said they have acquired new skills through company-provided formal training during the past five years.

They concluded that to support workers for future challenges, the organizations must:

• Plug into and leverage the collective intelligence of the enterprise through learning connections.

• Encourage creativity and innovation through diverse learning networks.

• Accelerate speed to competence through self-directed approaches that generate real-time learning content.


Well I see lot of  mentoring programs in U.S both in past and in future…



Accenture conducted an online survey of 1,088 employed and unemployed U.S. workers to assess skill development. The resulting Accenture Skills Gap Study is part of Accenture’s
ongoing research into the workforce challenges faced by employers today. 


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