
The major reason for setting a goal is for what it makes of you to accomplish it. What it makes of you will always be the far-greater value than what you get.

When Andrew Carnegie died, they discovered a sheet of paper upon which he had written one of the major goals of his life: to spend the first half of his life accumulating money and to spend the last half of his life giving it all away. And he did! Some people are disturbed by those tough days because all they have is the days. They haven’t designed or described or defined the future.

Goals. There’s no telling what you can do when you get inspired by them. There’s no telling what you can do when you believe in them. And there’s no telling what will happen when you act upon them.

We all need lots of powerful long-range goals to help us past the short-term obstacles. The ultimate reason for setting goals is to entice you to become the person it takes to achieve them. Don’t set your goals too low. If you don’t need much, you won’t become much.

If you go to work on your goals, your goals will go to work on you. If you go to work on your plan, your plan will go to work on you. Whatever good things we build end up building us.

We all have two choices: We can make a living or we can design a life.

Designing the Best 10 Years of Your Life – introduction


We are entering a brand new decade.

Think about where you were 10 years ago, when we began a new millennium, the year 2000. Seems like only yesterday, right?


Are you where you’d thought you’d be 10 years later, when you looked forward back then?


Are you leading the life you envisioned?


Do you have the income, lifestyle, freedom, health, relationships, poise and skills you thought you would have by now?


Well, now you get another chance to look forward to the next 10 years. This time, what are you going to do different so the next 10 years aren’t just more of the same?

Design Your Best Year Ever!


What do you want to achieve in 2010? Have you developed your goals? Would you like to earn more money, grow your business, become No. 1 in your marketplace, energize your relationships, find your passion, get fit and feel good?

Based on 20+ years of refined study, practice and execution, the Design Your Best Year Ever workbook and planning guide teaches the specific system SUCCESS magazine Publisher Darren Hardy developed and used to design, execute, follow through on and achieve BIG goals.

Whatever your goals, there is a formula for planning and achieving big things in life. This system is that formula. You CAN achieve your wildest ambitions in 2010!

ONLY $24.95—includes workbook and downloadable e-book version so you can start right away! Watch a video introduction from Darren Hardy, and learn more here now!

Your Dream Begins Today

What will your life be like when you’ve achieved your most deeply held dreams? Let’s take a look at how you can start living your dreams this very day.

Do you have a dream, a vision of the life you wish to live?
How specific is that dream?
How clear is that vision?
How do you intend to reach it?
What obstacles stand in your way?
Are your fears holding you back or are you using them to move you forward?

Your fears can actually lead you to success. Fear is an intense emotion. But that doesn’t mean it has to control you, or even stop you. Fear can prepare you and push you forward just as strongly as it can hold you back. Fear heightens your awareness and increases your physical strength. Fear brings your mind to sharp focus. With all that going for you, does it make sense to just run and hide? Of course not. Fear gets you in shape to take action!

Are you waiting for things to get better before moving ahead? If you’re serious about success, you need to start taking action today. If you’re waiting for things to be perfect, you’ll wait forever and nothing will ever get done.

The way to achieve is to bloom where you’re planted, to do what you can, where you are, with what you have. It’s easy to think up excuses for not taking action. “If only I had more hours in the day. If only I had a better job. If only I could meet the right person.” But excuses won’t bring you anything of value. You’ve got to change your “if only” into an “I will.” “I will make better use of my time. I will work on improving my career. I will create and nurture my relationships.”

Take a chance. Have faith in yourself. Your circumstances will improve when you make the effort to improve them. Start where you are right now. You have everything it takes to reach for whatever you desire. Stop wishing. Use your time, your energy, your thoughts and efforts to make it happen! You’ll be glad you did!

An article by Les Brown

How to Get More from Your Mentor



A senior publishing executive at William Morris once told me how baffled she was when an aspiring literary agent asked her to be a mentor. She looked at me and said, "She’s got to make me want to be her mentor. Isn’t she supposed to do something for me?" The answer is a definitive yes.

A mentor can prove invaluable when it comes to providing insight into your organization, inside information about the politics of the place, or just some over-the-shoulder advice about who to work with and who to stay away from. Mentorship, however, is a two-way street — and you’ve got to figure out how to repay the favor and make the relationship work for both of you.

 To read the whole article, click here:



Five questions for your resolution(s) in 2010

 Psychology Today recently published five questions that could help you choose your resolution(s) this year:


  1. Ask: "What would make me happier?"
  2. Ask: "What is a concrete action that would bring about change?"
  3. Ask: "Am I a ‘yes’ resolver or a ‘no’ resolver?"
  4. Ask: "Am I starting small enough?"
  5. Ask: "How am I going to hold myself accountable?"

It’s interesting that Psychology today tips begin with happiness and end with a question about taking ownership. Sounds a lot like mentoring, doesn’t it? 


Harvard Business School

 A study from Harvard Business School, named: Coaching and Mentoring–A Harvard Business School Press Book Summary in Partnership with getAbstract

Tells us that:


Effective managers know that timely coaching can dramatically enhance their teams’ performance. "Coaching and Mentoring" offers managers comprehensive advice on how to help employees grow professionally and achieve their goals. 


This is very interesting and what we already know. But it´s maybe more powerful when big organizations like Harvard Business School tels us. So keep up Harvard, tell us more.

Michelle Obama

Look here, this is big. The maybe worlds most powerful women, is talking about mentoring. This is an article from «The Washington Post».

Emotional’ Michelle Obama announces White House mentoring program for girls

By Robin Givhan

In her own version of «Pay It Forward,» first lady Michelle Obama, who has often talked about the influence of role models in her life, announced a year-long mentoring program at the White House for area high school girls.

Monday afternoon, thirteen young women gathered around a polished wood table, austerely set with water glasses and blue folders, in the State Dining room for a get to know you conversation with the senior women from the White House staff who will serve as their mentors. That list includes a who’s who of fancy titles and impressive resumes — among them, senior advisor Valerie Jarrett, domestic policy advisor Melody Barnes, Obama’s chief of staff Susan Sher and social secretary Desiree Rogers.

To read more:
