Leadership is an art

Leadership is an art form. To become a good leader, you have to begin working on improving yourself.
Filled with enlightening anecdotes that illustrate the qualities of the world’s greatest leaders, this must-read for any entrepreneur, manager, or executive will bring valuable lessons to push you in the right direction towards the fulfillment of your leadership roles.
And we are of course talking about John C. Maxwell and his «The 21 indispensable qualities of a leader». I will post them one by one here on my blog. He describes leadership as an art and I agree, we need more people who look at it that way.

Making Global Impact Begins With You


Imagine you have the ability to change the world. What would such a world look like?
Few have the ability to change the course of history, but through a combination of courageous acts, we can all influence change.
The legendary footballer Pelé of Brazil, watched his father cry as Brazil lost the World Cup to Uruguay in 1950 and told his father “Do not worry, one day I will win it.”
Pelé went on to win 3 World Cups and transformed the game of football.
Go out and through your action you will impact the whole world.


Gratitude: A Key to Success

What do you think about when I say gratitude?

And what about gratitude is a key for your success?

As you know I am writing an article about that for a book. And I would love to hear your insights about that. The book is all about gratitude: A key to success.

Comments please…

Giving is better than receiving


It’s best to start the discipline of generosity when the amounts are small. It’s easy to give ten cents out of a dollar; it’s a little harder to give a hundred thousand out of a million.

Giving is better than receiving because giving starts the receiving process.

Here’s what is exciting about sharing ideas with others: If you share a new idea with ten people, they get to hear it once and you get to hear it ten times.

Sharing makes you bigger than you are. The more you pour out, the more life will be able to pour in.

Somebody says, “Well, I can’t be concerned about other people. About the best I can do is to take care of myself.” Well, then you will always be poor.

What you give becomes an investment that will return to you multiplied at some point in the future.

Only by giving are you able to receive more than you already have.

«Vitamins for the Mind» is a weekly sampling of original quotes on a specific topic taken from The Treasury of Quotes by Jim Rohn.

Achieving Success by Expecting Success

When you plan and prepare carefully, you can legitimately expect to have success in your efforts. When you recognize and develop the winning qualities that you were born with, the winner you were born to be emerges.


When you plan and prepare to make a sale, for example, you can legitimately expect to make a sale. Although not all your expectations are going to come to pass, you give yourself an infinitely better chance of succeeding by taking the proper steps.


Regardless of your goal—losing weight, making more sales, furthering your education, earning a promotion, saving money for a new home or an exotic vacation—you can expect to achieve your goal if you plan and prepare for it.

Also understand that the path from where you are to where you want to be is not always smooth and straight. The reason for the twists and bumps is simple, and it has nothing to do with you. It has more to do with the fact that not everyone is as interested in your success as you are.

Some people may accidentally hinder your efforts; others who are in competition with you and have little or no integrity may try to sabotage your efforts.

Keep in mind, though, that when you hit those roadblocks, your character, commitment and attitude are the determining factors in your success. Carefully review your plan of action, seek wise counsel, and be particularly careful to feed your mind good information.

An optimistic, positive mind is far more likely to come up with creative solutions than a mind that dwells on setbacks and difficulties.

Bottom line: expect success and you can achieve it!

These wise words are from Zig Ziglar

Would you like to be a child again – Do you need to?

Learn to think like a kid again and unlock your hidden potential.

Have you heard about those fun offices where play is encouraged? They’re not just cubicle legend. Companies like Google and 3M have crafted colorful, dynamic workspaces where employees play with toys and video games, take nap breaks and go outside for recess. If it sounds a little childish, that’s exactly the point.

Over the past couple of decades, industry leaders have tapped into an idea that philosophers (like Nietzsche) and scientists (like Einstein) have long championed: that it is useful and sometimes necessary for people to think like children to achieve success as adults.

People tend to get stuck in mental ruts, approaching everything from their jobs to their marriages from the same tired perspective. But taking cues from children can jolt us out of complacency and view the world from a whole-new angle—if only for moments at a time. Officials at Google and 3M found fashioning offices akin to kindergarten classrooms resulted in creative, energetic environments where innovative ideas are born every day. “

When people start to think like a child, they begin to see things from a fresh perspective,” says Jack Uldrich, global futurist, business speaker and bestselling author. “They learn to step back and view problems, people and things from a completely different point of view.”



 The 1. place went to Aqua Systems for the best contribution. They won the Innovation Norway’s development price of EUR 12 000 (nok 100 000,-), Connect Norway to a value of EUR 12 000 (nok 100 000,-), a mentor from the Norwegian Mentor Program and EUR 6 000 (nok 50 000,-).


Aqua Systems has developed a solution which, among other things, makes it much easier to clean the fish cages, which have the potential to create a more efficient and economical production.


A BIG Congratulations from The Mentor Guru and good luck with the good and hard work with a mentor for the next year and of course also the prize money.


To read more and to see the runner up click at the link belove (in norwegian):





Innovasjon Norge:




Venture cup blog:



Inno Design (Norwegian innovation and design):



Høgskolen i Ålesund:



Venture cup 2010

 Entrepreneurship is very important for Norway and trough Venture Cup (in norwegian: venturecup.wordpress.com/) the participants get the opportunity to develop their business plans. Free advice and guidance of experienced entrepreneurs, business leaders, profesionell investors and consultants contribute to network, innovation and new ventures.


Venture Cup is being held by Start Norway for the tenth consecutive year. The competition started in Norway in 1999 and has since had several successful business plans that have created many new jobs.


There is a large potential market of entrepreneurs within academia and research institutions. Venture Cup Norway has a strong academic foundation in educational institutions and research units in the different regions it is held.


Venture Cup is much more than a competition, and the value for the participants is not only the potential rewards, but just as much the learning, the network of contacts and the experience that participants receive.


It is based on four main elements:

1. Education: It will be implemented practically oriented lectures by educational institutions, and students at some institutions may take Venture Cup as a separate subject. The lectures will cover the most important factors in establishing their own business.


2. Supervision: A network of advisers associated with Venture Cup. These guides participants in the process if desired. The advisers network will be able to give advice on specific issues related to patents, for example, tax, accounting, etc.


3. Inspiration: The kick-off and the two prize awards you will be able to come and be motivated and inspired by the lectures of experienced entrepreneurs and presentations of newly established businesses. The events are also good opportunities for mingling and networking.


4. Competition: The fourth element is the competition. The best business plans will be rewarded with cash prizes, and honorable mention.


This years prices are about EUR 36 000,- (nok 300 000,-) AND one year with a mentor for the CEO from The Norwegian Mentor Program, www.mentorprogrammet.no/english-info/


Speaking in Rotary

The aim for the evening was to talk about mentoring. I was given 50 minutes, and tried to use it wisely.

My topic was:

1. What is mentoring

2. What is a mentor program

3. Tools to use

4. What´s in it for me (mentee, mentor and company)

We used some time to get to know the terms and the meening of mentoring, mentee and mentor.

The responce was great and a lot of questions about how we can use mentoring f.ex. in schools. Bec


se in Norway we have a lot of students dropping out at the age 16-18 years old. And they seems to think that mentoring could solve some of that problem.

I think it´s a great idea. A lot of the schools in Europe us mentoring for their students. And I don´t know why the different schools would like to try that.

My hope for the future is that they use the professors more as a mentor. And maybe then the students will stay in school.