Are You Afraid to Set Goals for 2015 – here is why

Joy is one of hardest feelings to hold onto, isn’t it? Fear is always crouching nearby ready to snatch it from us.

In Daring Greatly Brené Brown talks about “foreboding joy,” the idea that some sort of disaster looms just around the corner no matter how promising things look for the moment. Instead of experiencing joy, even when things are going well, we feel worry, fear, and dread.

I think this reality is especially problematic when it comes to setting goals for the future. We’re afraid—afraid we’ll fail or that others will fail us. It’s safer not to get our hopes up.

The end result is that we’re rarely disappointed. But at what cost? Brown’s research would say that the cost is joy, happiness, fulfillment, satisfaction, and a wholehearted life.

Is that true for you? It’s sometimes true for me. I can’t count the number of times I’ve let worry and dread steal my joy.

What if You Could Kick Fear to the Curb?

Whenever I let fear do the talking, hope always loses the argument. But what if we could gag our fears long enough to dream, and then a little longer to turn those dreams into actionable goals that might actually change our lives for the better?

Think about your family, your finances, your health, your career, or that dream you locked away months or even years ago because it felt too remote, too impossible. What could happen if you could build a plan, starting right now, that was proven to move the needle in the areas of your life that matter most?

Here’s what I know from years of coaching others and my own personal experience: The key reason most of us feel this sense of fear when it comes to goal-setting is that we’ve tried before and failed.

But here’s something else I know: It’s not your fault. It’s the fault of a faulty system. The truth is that traditional New Year’s resolutions and goal setting don’t really work.

5 Days to Your Best Year Ever

That’s why I’ve created 5 Days to Your Best Year Ever, a proven and powerful goal-setting process that helps you kick fear to the curb, reconnect with your dreams, and finally realize your potential.

And it does a lot more, too. In 5 Days To Your Best Year Ever I reveal how to:

  • Get crystal clear about what you want in the next twelve months and how you’re going to get there.
  • Confront doubt and see the real possibility of breakthrough in your personal and professional life.
  • Close the door on the nagging, negative feelings from the past so you can set yourself up for success in the present.
  • Take the mystery out of setting effective, reasonable, and achievable goals.
  • Connect with your why so you can tap reserves of emotional energy and motivation when things get difficult and conquer the “messy middle” once and for all.
  • Finally beat worry, procrastination, and that horrible feeling we all experience of being overwhelmed or simply not enough.

– Michael Hyatt

In the next article I will show you Michael Hyatt`s plan you can use for 2015.

5 Keys to Develop a Plan for Success

When you look at successful people, you will almost always discover a plan behind their success.  They know what they want, they work out a strategy that will get them where they want to go, and they work that plan.  It is the foundation for success.

So what are some good ideas on developing a plan that will work well and take you to the finish line powerfully and in style?  Here are some major points to keep in mind:

  1. Develop the right plan for you.  Your plan is the one you’ll develop that is unique to you and for you.  Each of us is unique and motivated by different factors and you’ve got to develop one that is right for you and fits you.  Whatever your personality, your strengths and your weaknesses, develop the plan around them.  This is not a one-plan-fits-all proposition.
  1. Keep a journal.  Record the ideas and inspiration that will carry you from where you are to where you want to be.  Take note on the ideas that impact you most.  Brainstorm with yourself on where you are going and what you want to do.  Record your dreams and ambitions.  Your journals are a gathering place for all the valuable information that you will find.
  1. Reflect.  Create time for reflection ‒ a time to go back over, to study again the things you’ve learned and the things you’ve done each day.  Take a few minutes at the end of each day and go back over the day ‒ who’d you talk to, who’d you see, what did they say, what happened, how’d you feel, what went on?  A day is a piece of the mosaic of your life.
  1. Set goals.  Your plan is the roadmap for how you are going to get to your goals so you have to have them.  Setting goals is the greatest influence on a person’s future and the greatest force that will pull a person in the direction that they want to go.  But the future must be planned, well designed, to exert a force that pulls you towards the promise of what can be.
  1. Act on your plan.  What separates the successful from the unsuccessful so many times is that the successful simply do it.  They take action.  They aren’t necessarily smarter than others; they just work the plan.  All disciplines affect each other…. Everything affects everything.  That’s why the smallest action is important ‒ because the value and benefits that you receive from that one little action will inspire you to do the next one and the next one.  So step out and take action on your plan because if the plan is good, then the results can be miraculous.

— Jim Rohn

Communication is not rocket science

It`s possible to learn for everyone, It requires that you take responsibility. For yourself and your communication. 

The only one who can change anything is you.

Maybe we have all witness the security at an airport. Last time I was on an airport i witness a gentleman in front of me put his bags and things up at the Conveyor belt and is doing his best to make it quickly and efficiently. 

He forgets to take his belt off, and the security man told him in a direct and commanding tone, to take it off. While taking the belt of he said «Excuse me put it`s actually possible to tell me nice, I just forgot». The security guy almost shout «Just move it».

I don´t think anyone appreciate that tone, neither the gentleman, the security guy or the rest of the people in line…

This story and this type of communication is done daily, maybe once an hour, if not more often, in workplaces, in teams, to customers and among colleagues.

And if you think it is normal, then you’re right. But unfortunately it is also one of the most energy-draining, devastating and in many ways incredibly sad.

For it is really how we want to be?
Is this how we want it, and interact with other people?
What this leads to in the short and long term?

The older I get and the more mature as a person, the more evil it makes me to see and hear that we still treat each other like this and is directly co-creators of bad energy. And the worst of it all is that it is fairly easy to solve. 

It requires that you take responsibility, for yourself and your communication.

The only one who can change anything is you.

The four excuses

There are four explanations, we humans often tell ourselves over and over again, when it comes to what is preventing us from achieving our goals.
We call them surface excuses, because immediately below them are deeper reasons why we fail to act.

These four excuses are just a few, we as humans serves up because they are easy and do not require of us that we really take responsibility and act.

Through mentoring, it is possible to get behind the defense mechanisms and act on what really prevents us, rather than focusing on the excuses that immediately seem accessible and reliable.


The four excuses are:

1 «I do not have time»
If you truly believe that you do not have time to work to achieve your goal, you must ask yourself if it is worth getting what you want. If you experience time as a problem, you know that it is because you do not prioritize your goals high enough.

2 «I have no money»
If you think that money can prevent you from achieving what you really want, so the goal is maybe not attractive enough.
What’s important in life is that we each find our purpose – that is what really matters to YOU​​, what you’re really passionate about, what truly gives meaning and quality of life for you.

If money becomes a goal in itself, life can easily become meaningless. As humans, we also have many other needs that must be met before we feel happy inside.
So if you continue to use your economy as the reason for not achieving your goals, it might be a good idea to work on this position possibly with your mentor.

3 «I do not have the skills»
Here it is important to realize that this is merely a belief, and that limiting beliefs can be changed in the same way as they were created, namely yourself.

None of those we know who have experienced success, had jurisdiction, since they started. Competencies when they first get down the road, as they have received the necessary training.

If you do not have the skills required to work in the field, it has set itself the goal, then I have an education, go on courses, training and thereby improve his skills and competencies. It makes no sense to declare themselves unfit from the start.

4 «I do not have the resources»
«I do not have the right network, I do not live in the right place, I do not have the right education» etc.. Etc.. Indicates that it is time to realize that resources will emerge as side benefits, as long as you begins to act.

If all those who have achieved the goals they have set in their lives, should have waited until they had the resources, most never be taken off.

Visualize having accomplished your goal

Visualize having accomplished your goal.
Your brain will start working toward your goal when you can first picture it clearly.

Try to look at lifemastering™ that is a smart tool to help you to clarify your dreams and transform them to reality. Their goal setting tools, including a vision board and an activity planner, help you define your visions, goals and activities. Click the logo to see more.

How do you create more passion?

In my work and day life I must have passion for what I do. I see a lot of people missing that little extra, and their life is about surviving not living…

What if your life was a movie would you go and see it again and again? If not, consider what you can do to get the life you want?

Not everyday can be a party you say? Well you can’t just watch party movies can you…

Do this little excersise:  If money, time and resources were not an obstacle, what would you spend your time?
If you had one year left to live, what would you do?

Learn from your answers. What should you spend more time in everyday life, the small adjustments you can make if you are not ready to go «all in».

And then ask yourself: How can I use these answers to create more passion in my everyday life?

Living your life with some ground rules

I got very inspired when I got newsletter from Brendon Burchard, talking about his fathers rules of life. I sat down and started the process of my own rules of life.

Brendon Burchard is «One of the top motivation and marketing trainers in the world.» — says Larry King
Mr. Burchard is #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Millionaire Messenger and The Charge
And he is one of the Top 100 Most Followed Public Figures on Facebook

Her is Brendon Burchard telling about his own rules of life in this podcast.

Do you have life rules? I think it is a good way of telling your kids (the next generation)about life and how to live it. I will post Mr. Mel Burchard`s rules of life, to inspire you to write your own.


Good luck!

What to do before you got a mentor

People who had used a mentor says that it was difficult to exact know what they want out of a mentor. One way is to try to find out what kind of experience and what you want to learn, once itś over. And during the first meeting things use to get clearer.

One of my own tip is to try to put together a plan for the next 3 month and for the next year, a sort of life plan. You can f.ex. read and listen to Michael Hyatt and what he means about the subject: Michael Hyatt

«With Creating Your Personal Life Plan, Michael Hyatt has fired A LASER BEAM OF FOCUS into a world of uncertainty. Finally, a brightly lit, well-marked pathway for the person who desires true and lasting success!”

New York Times Bestselling Author
The Traveler’s Gift, The Noticer, and The Final Summit

A life in balance

Every year I put together my own life plan for that year, and maybe the most important thing is to also have balance. I can´t just put up there all I want in one specific area, but I have to use the whole “wheel of Life”.

“Wheel of Life” is a tool used in coaching and mentoring and is just to help you find balance in your life.

 Balance is many things, but first and foremost its to generate profits in our lives and enable us to handle everything that comes our way. If I were in balance, I could be completely sure I immediately could feel it in myself and in my surroundings. 

But what is balance?

-You are coming from a long workday, and sit in the armchair, perfectly flat and very tired – and when someone asks you a question, you snap back because you simply cannot relate to more now?

If so, I can tell you a secret: You are NOT in balance!

Balance is, very simply said to be present right where you are and know that you are exactly where you should be.

If you ask yourself this question: “If you had only one more year to live, what would you do”?

No one says they want to spend more time at the office or with the to-do list.

Most people say they want to spend more time with family and friends or travel more.

I try to prioritize “ME” first, to take charge in my own life. Only then can I be present for my family and friends.

My belief is that when I prioritize myself first, I am also more present for all those I love. What do you think for example that your loved ones would choose? To have a happy and balanced father, mother, girlfriend, boyfriend, husband, wife or friend, son, daughter etc. that are present and attentive and have chosen to be there! Or one that runs around confused like a hamster in a wheel, trying to satisfy everyone else and be ‘perfect’?

Here are two example of «Wheel of life» you can use for planning your life in balance.










5 Things I’ve learned from writing my two first books

Research says that 81% of us wants to write a book someday; I am one of them. I can cross this goal off of my bucket list in, my first was published in 2007 and I renew the design in 2009, my second book got first out in 2010 and was renewed in 2012.

I started with mentoring in 1999 and I saw very quickly that a kind of book was missing, well maybe not the book itself. But something to put down ideas and thoughts from meetings with the mentor or maybe in trainings.

In the beginning I used a binder but wanted it to be smaller, to fit in a bag or maybe a (a bit big) pocket. And in the end the book is 5.83 wide x 8.26 tall, the perfect size.

But on to what I have learned.

1. Know why the book is needed. Know the reason why you want to write and why the book is necessary. And, knowing ‘why’ will help you stay with it when it gets hard —and it will.

2. Self-publish or traditional publisher. No doubt that traditional publisher can help you with a lot of things, but they also have opinions on the book. In my experience my traditional publisher wanted to change a very important thing in the book, and I refused to do it. So therefore I decided to self-publish the book.

3. Research. Don´t get stuck in research, because it’s very easy to do so. I read over 30 books and ended up in circle, and nothing was new. There were 3-4 “truths” about mentoring and all the books was about one of them.

4. Writing process. I pictured myself sitting in a cozy coffee shop finding the perfect words, but find myself having glory days and not so glory 

days. And especially because I self-publish no-one was hanging over me with a deadline.

5. Sales process. As an self-publisher you are on your own when it comes to sales, logistics and others. I found very helpful and getting me to and And also they have different marketing pack so you can buy the advice you need to sell the book.

If you want to start with something a bit smaller project than a book, why don´t you start with a blog.

I use WordPress and I find it easy to use.

Good luck with your writing…