Mike The Mentor

Here at Mentorguru.info we are looking for “The Best Mentoring Blog 2011″ and this is a good candidate. At http://mikethementor.co.uk/index.php you can see why.

Mike is the Senior Partner with Jericho Partners and a recognised authority on leadership coaching.


He has been coaching individuals and teams for nearly 20 years – helping them develop their capacity for leadership and achieve increased levels of performance, effectiveness and fulfillment. He works with coaches and mentors as a supervisor to help them ensure the quality of their work and to support them in their professional development.

For many years Mike was on the faculty of The School of Coaching where he trained coaches and managers in coaching skills, and was an associate with The Centre for Creative Leadership where he worked on their leadership development programmes. He has also been an academic, a software developer, a management consultant with the PA Consulting Group, and a psychotherapist.

Some Current/Recent Clients
Mike has coached and mentored board directors, executives and professional staff across a range of industry sectors, nationalities

and cultures. His clients have included Lloyds TSB, the NHS, PwC, HSBC, Siemens, Oxfam, RBS, Cisco, BT, M&S Money, Roche Products, Octavia Housing Trust, Symbian, Serco, Oracle, Royal Town Planning Institute, Department of Health, and Deutsche Bank.

And you can also find a lot of good information at their website. So look it up, and find out more about Mike The Mentor.

So this was one of the candidates for “The Best Mentoring Blog 2011″


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