The Norwegian Armed Forces

On Thursday I got a very interesting mail from The Norwegian Armed Force ( They wanted me to come in april and be the head speaker at a action day for all the women in the army.

My topic will be «Dream Team» and how you can build a dream team when people have different starting point, character and strenght. It would be important to talk about the attitude to people and to accept all kind of individuals.

It would be a whole day for the topic with all kinds of speakers, politicians from the defends comitee, Norways first female pilot on F-16 fighters.

I am really looking forward to the day, even if it means going away from my dreamteam (my wife) and her birthday.

Sertified D.I.S.C analyst

Today I got my sertification on using the Thomas International Personal Profile Analysis (PPA), The test provides an insight into how people behave at work answering questions such as – what are their strengths and limitations? Are they self starters? How do they communicate? What motives them?

I am going to use it in matching criteria, not the whole test, but a smaller version. But it is going to be fun to have this tool to do so.

Check it out, it`s maybe something for you to.

Please if you have experience with DISC as a tool, or some other types of tools, write something here about it.

Holding seminar in Trondheim-Norway this weekend

This weekend I am going to Trondheim to train in their mentorprogram for Young Enterprice Norway. On saturday I am going to train all the students the whole day, the seminar is akind of lifeplanning. We are looking at their strenght, their weeknesses and their possibilities, and final some SMART-goals.

On sunday is it mentoring seminar for all the mentors. Learning and training «The Big Five» and prepare them for the task.

And not only that but I am also going to help them in the matching process as well.

This is going to be so much fun, I am very excited.

“The Big Five”

Right now I sit and work at my mentoring seminar, called the big five. That relate to the most important mentoring tools you can use as a mentor.

The five tools are:

  1. Active listening
  2. Effective questions
  3. Feedback
  4. Be responsible
  5. Recognition

And for the next week I am going to conduct the seminar both in Oslo and then in Trondheim in Norway. At the seminar in Oslo I have help from a good partner Kai Roer. You can learn a lot at his blog at about training. He is a very active trainer across europe.

The Big Five is also in my book for the mentors.

Success history 5

Today a funny thing happened to me when me and my wife where visiting some good friends of us. They were selling some of their big sized teddy bears online and a potential customer where coming this evening for buying them. Boy was I surprised when a previous adept appear at the door. When he saw my face at the house he was stunned, and happy to meet me again. And he told me that he have started in a new job at his mentors company. He had had several offers but the mentor “won” and he don`t regret the choice he did.

Because he had known the mentor in about a year he could say a lot about the company that she was working in. And they have hit it off so the choise was pretty easy he said.
Way to go Morten and Elisabeth.

By the way Morten bought the big sized teddy bears and went to a small girls birthday party with some big presents, she was going to be very surpriced…

Who’s Mentoring You?

I found this Youtube clip  searching the web. The clip is a good «AHA» moment saying that Tiger Woods using help to get his goals so why shouldn`t you.

A very good question, why shouldn`t you? We have to stop thinking that mentoring is only for the sportsmen, to get good you need a mentor. You can`t say it enough, don`t think you can do everything for your self.

Who needs a mentor? (Idea + Mentor = Start Business, Part 2)

You could read about Cloe Holding, the founder of, earlier in my blog and at In part two she was talking about some details in the adept/mentor relationship that I found important to put out here. Many are a bit scared to get a mentor because of all the spotlight and commitment, better to try to do it alone when no one watching, they think. But this can be said over and over again, do it! Get a mentor and you will work smarter, faster and maybe even get better results.

Read about Cloe Holding and what she says, and especially the last sentence. Thank you Cloe!
How did you find the response for the request for a mentor?
“I found the mentoring trial interesting, but also incredibly time consuming and I have found it hard juggling a lot of priorities at the moment.”
What did you get from the mentorship till now?
“I think that one gaines a lot of experience and information from every conversation that one has. Certainly just hearing about people out there who have done something similar and lived to tell the tale is incredibly valuable. I certainly enjoyed hearing about other entrepreneurs and the businesses they have managed to establish.”
Are you in contact? How, by phone, text or in person?
“I do think that to build a lasting relationship you need to meet people and connect with them on a personal level. So I don’t know if I will keep in touch regularly with any of the mentors that I emailed, although I would definitely keep in touch now and again when I wanted to seek some advice or if I encountered a problem in the field of expertise that they were specializing in.”
Can you recommend it?
“Anyway, I did enjoy the process and really appreciate being able to be involved – it has taught me a lot!”


Updates and changes

Edit: Updates are done, and I have installed an Archive of the blog! It may not look very impressive now, but over time, the archive will make it easier to find information posted in the early days of the blog!

I am currently doing security updates and some minor functionality changes on this blog. There may be some minor problems occuring during this weekend.

Thank you for your understanding!

Success history 4

The adept I told you about in success story 3 told me the other day that he got his classmate in shipping an job interview at his mentor working place.

He was convinced that the classmate would get along and fit in at his old mentors work. He applied, got an interview and he was offered the job.

So something which at first glance was not the best mentor (because of the branch), become a success. Just by using your network…

Ryan Blair an entrepreneur and mentor

At Oslo Innovation Week in Oslo, Norway I went to a seminar yesterday with Ryan Blair (
Ryan having launched his career as an entrepreneur in 1998 – at the age of twenty – he has since earned a reputation as a technology pioneer and expert marketer, creating six successful companies and investing in several others the last decade.

Ryan is a passionate writer and speaker. His first published work was released in June of 2006, featured as a contributing author in the Power of Mentorship Vol. II. Ryan is presently working on a book about his life story entitled Faith of the Dots.

So he is a eager spokesman for mentoring, saying that a mentor more or less saved my life. Getting my to write down my goals in early years and learned me to go after it.

Hearing him talking about how important his first mentor was for him is huge. Setting goals he had to be able to visualize and then have the belief in yourself to manage your goals.

Something he talked a lot about was «give more than you receive». Meaning that you can`t only ask your potential mentor for his time and good advice. And not giving anything back, everything from washing mentors car to give shares in your business.