Patrick Knight in critical but stable condition

Patrick survived the shooting on Thursday, November 26, in Jupiter, Florida (USA), a city about 200 miles from Miami, but Patrick’s pregnant wife, Lisa, and three other family members did not. Patrick was hospitalized and was in critical but stable condition on Friday afternoon.

Patrick, an attorney in Miami, Florida, has been actively involved in JCI since he joined in 1999. As JCI Coconut Grove (USA) President, he revived that local organization, nearly tripling its membership.

His involvement as a JCI trainer has also been outstanding. He contributed to the success of the 2009 JCI World Congress in Hammamet as the host of the JCI Morning Shows.

On behalf of JCI members worldwide, JCI President Jun Sup Shin and JCI Secretary General Edson A. Kodama would like to extend our deepest condolences to Patrick as well as to family and friends on the death of Lisa and the three other family members. We pray for Patrick’s prompt and complete recovery and will keep members abreast of his condition.

Articles covering the tragedy: (the article is taken away),2933,577206,00.html?test=latestnews

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