Reminder on Life Plan for 2012

As a consultant within personal and professional development I get to be a part of people and their growth on both personal and professional level. I am very thankful of this and am excited every time.

When I am working with personal development, mentoring, training or other consulting business I am always looking for what others have said or done on the field. I am very humble that I am not expert on every field, and that is important for me. And then I try to implement some of their things into mine to get the best result. A consultants or trainer who don´t look at others and are doing everything out of their own head are a poor one.  You don´t have to invent the wheel every time. But of course you must follow the laws and regulations on writing and what is yours and what are others.

And again I want to remind you of Michael Hyatt and his Life Plan, download it free from his site and start planning you 2012.





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