More powerful questions

A coach  was taught by her boss 3 powerful questions which she use to guide herself and coach her staff, after certain event or project or even appraisal

1) what have you done well
2) what can you improve
3) what have you learn


Another coach shared a simple but yet big questions:

«Only you know what you want and what is stopping you, are you prepared to share that with me?



More favorite questions

In July 2010 someone post this question on and the subgroup Training&Development, people still post their question after 2 year. And their questions are really good, I will post more of them here.

Here are a women`s  favorite coaching question, but she admit, identifying just one favorite is difficult. But in the plethora of questions, the four below – or some variation – consistently rise to the top, so she offer them here.
1. What does success look like?
2. What is ONE thing you could do today to move in the direction of the outcome you want to achieve?
3. What are you practicing? What might be possible if you practiced {something different} instead?
4. What emotion is most natural for you when you consider {the current situation, barrier or goal}? What would you like to experience instead {or what would serve better you in moving in a different direction}?

More will come…

What is your favorite coaching question?

In July 2010 someone post this question on and the subgroup Training&Development, people still post their question after 1,5 year. And their questions are really good, I will post more of them here.

Here are a man`s  favorite coaching question at each stage of GROWS (and he added Success Measures to the end of the conversation):

GOAL: What difference do you want to make?
REALITY: How do other people perceive the current situation?
OPTIONS: What would you do if you could start again?
WILL: On a scale of 1-10 how committed are you to carrying out these actions? (What needs to happen to raise your commitment closer to 10?)
SUCCESS: What will you see people doing and hear people saying that will prove things are different?