Pathways to Peace: The Impact of EFT on Mental Health

In a world where stress and anxiety are on the rise, many are seeking effective methods to manage psychological challenges. One such method that is gaining ground for its remarkable results is Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). This blog post will explore how EFT, often referred to as «tapping» or mental acupuncture, works and its impact on mental health.

What is EFT?

EFT is a psychological acupressure technique, often referred to as tapping. It combines elements from acupuncture, neurolinguistic programming, energy medicine, and thought field therapy. The method involves tapping lightly on specific meridian points on the body while focusing on a particular emotional stressor or psychological issue.

Fundamental Principles of EFT

The core principle behind EFT is that all negative emotions are due to disturbances in the body’s energy system. By tapping on selected points while thinking about and verbalizing the specific issue, it is claimed that one can restore balance in the energy system, thereby reducing or eliminating the negative symptom.

EFT and Psychological Issues

EFT has proven particularly effective in addressing a range of psychological disorders, including anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and phobias. What makes EFT appealing is its ability to quickly reduce the emotional impact of memories and incidents that trigger psychological discomfort. This can often be achieved in just a few minutes, and the results are sometimes permanent.

Research Support for EFT

Several studies have supported the effectiveness of EFT. Research indicates that tapping can reduce the production of cortisol, a stress hormone, and increase the production of serotonin, a well-being hormone, contributing to a sense of calm. Furthermore, clinical trials have shown that EFT can be as effective as traditional therapy, including cognitive behavioral therapy, in treating certain psychological conditions.

Personal Stories and Testimonials

The most powerful affirmations of EFT’s effectiveness often come from personal stories and testimonials. Many people from around the world have shared their experiences on how EFT has helped them overcome serious psychological issues and led to significant life improvements. These stories not only underline the method’s potential but also provide hope to those who are still struggling.

Concluding Thoughts

In the quest for better mental health, it is important to keep an open mind about alternative treatments like EFT. While it is not a «one-size-fits-all» solution, EFT has proven to be a valuable method for many seeking peace and emotional freedom. By integrating traditional and modern therapeutic techniques, we can open the doors to new, effective ways to heal. As we continue to explore and understand the influence of energy-based therapies, we can potentially revolutionize the way we treat psychological disorders, offering pathways to peace for those in need.

In this blog post, we have looked at how EFT works, its scientific basis, and personal success stories. It becomes clear that while more research is needed to fully understand and verify EFT’s effectiveness, it offers a promising alternative for those seeking relief and healing in their mental health struggles.

If you talk or understand Norwegian, you can listen to my podcast about the topic.

The Art of Change – Small Steps, Big Results

Change is everywhere. It’s inevitable in both work and life. But why do we resist something that is so natural? Our brain loves comfort – it’s an expert at exaggerating threats and convincing us to stay put. But what if we could learn to embrace change?

Why Do We Resist Change?
It’s not because we’re lazy. It’s because of uncertainty. Our reptilian brain is hardwired to keep us safe, not happy. Change feels like a threat, even when it’s an opportunity to grow.

How to Approach Change with Curiosity:

  1. Small Steps Lead to Big Results:
    Start by switching one habit – your toothpaste, your route to work, or say «yes» to something you’d normally say «no» to. Small choices can lead to significant transformations over time.
  2. Make Your Brain Less Dramatic:
    When your brain screams «CHAOS!» – breathe. Ask yourself: What’s the worst that can happen? Write down one thing you can learn from the situation.
  3. Remember the Butterfly Effect:
    Even the smallest actions can have massive consequences. Maybe it’s time to test a tiny change and see how it ripples through the rest of your life.

Change doesn’t have to be scary. It can be innovative, inspiring, and even fun. Take a small step outside your comfort zone today – you never know what might happen!

SoMe strategy plan

I have been struggling for how to reach my audience and wondering if it’s important to have as many followers as possible or what.

The first thing they all say is that you have to start by understanding who you’re audience are and optimizing your profile to appeal directly to them. Ok, but when you have private people, businesses, schools/universities it’s not that easy.

And then they say that I should have a focus on creating high-quality, consistent content and actively engage with your followers through comments and user-generated content. Well I am doing my best here…

So I did something that many recommend, I asked IA, and wow what an answer. I was kind of blown away…

In seconds I had Defind my goals and objectives, had an audience analysis, content strategy/pillar, a posting schedule, a hashtag strategy and an engagement strategy. So I promise to do it and become better, also in here in my blog.

The Only Thing You Need is to Die – Embracing Life’s Most Morbid Truth

When it comes to old sayings, few are as jarring and straight-to-the-point as: “The only thing you need is to die.” It’s not the kind of phrase that inspires warm fuzzy feelings, but stick with me—there’s more to this dark nugget of wisdom than meets the eye. It’s existentially charged, culturally deep, and even, dare I say, oddly empowering. So, buckle up as we dive into why acknowledging this stark truth might just be the most liberating thing you do today.

Why This Phrase Packs a Punch

First off, let’s not sugarcoat it: when someone drops “The only thing you need is to die” at the dinner table, it’s a conversation stopper. But why does it hit so hard? The answer is simple: it’s true. Death is the one constant, the one guarantee in life. Everything else—your job, relationships, ambitions, anxieties—those are negotiable, mutable, and optional. Death? Non-negotiable.

At first glance, that’s terrifying. But dig a little deeper, and it’s an invitation to strip life down to its bare essentials. If the only thing we’re required to do is die, what are we doing with all the rest of our time here? We’re free to decide, and that’s where this edgy piece of wisdom starts to feel a little… hopeful.

The Philosophy Behind It: Sartre Would Be Proud

Let’s get a bit academic for a second. This phrase sits comfortably within the realm of existentialism, a philosophical school of thought championed by big-brained luminaries like Jean-Paul Sartre and Albert Camus. Sartre would probably raise a glass of red wine and smirk at “The only thing you need is to die” because it’s a stark reminder of what he believed most passionately: life has no preordained meaning, and it’s up to us to create one.

Think about it: if death is the only certainty, then the rest of life is a vast playground of choice. Sure, it’s a playground with rusted swings and existential dread lurking behind the slide, but it’s a playground nonetheless. You can shape your life any way you want, and while that freedom is exhilarating, it’s also heavy with responsibility. Every choice you make—or don’t make—carves out what your life will mean.

So, How Do We Make Choices That Matter?

Alright, you get it: life is a blank canvas, death is inevitable, and Sartre is smirking somewhere. But what does that mean for the choices you make? The trick lies in realizing that if dying is the only real “must,” then everything else you think you have to do is just noise.

Many of us live our lives tangled in a web of perceived obligations. I have to get that promotion. I need to meet societal standards. I should settle down because everyone else is. But if death is the only true endpoint, all those other “musts” are actually choices—choices you are free to accept or reject.

When you remember that life’s only unavoidable event is its end, you can start making decisions that align more closely with what you actually want. Want to quit that high-paying job and open a llama sanctuary? Weird, but go for it. Prefer traveling the world over planting roots? Do it. The only box you absolutely must check on the to-do list of life is “be mortal”—everything else is up to you.

Death Awareness: Your New Best Friend?

Okay, so calling death awareness your “best friend” is a bit much, but humor me. There’s a psychological concept called death awareness that suggests accepting the reality of death can actually lead to a richer, more fulfilling life. When you fully acknowledge that your time here is limited, every moment becomes more precious. The small stuff (read: Karen from HR’s passive-aggressive emails) suddenly feels inconsequential, while the big stuff (meaningful connections, personal growth, inner peace) takes center stage.

Sure, living with death awareness sounds morbid. But it’s like adding salt to chocolate—it balances the flavor and makes life’s sweet moments all the richer.

Creating Meaning in a “Must-Die” World

If life comes with no preloaded meaning, it’s up to you to make your own. This realization can be daunting, but it’s also what makes life an art form. You get to experiment, screw up, pivot, and create something entirely unique.

Albert Camus, another existential heavyweight, said, “The struggle itself toward the heights is enough to fill a man’s heart. One must imagine Sisyphus happy.” If that ancient rock-roller can find purpose in endless toil, surely we can find meaning in the variety of choices we make, fueled by the knowledge that our time is finite.

Final Thoughts: Why This Morbid Truth Might Save You

So, where does this leave us? Right back at that unsettling phrase: “The only thing you need is to die.” It’s not just an invitation to be nihilistic; it’s an invitation to be free. Free to make choices that resonate with who you are, not what the world expects. Free to let go of societal scripts and choose the path that makes you feel alive.

Embrace that death is the only certainty, and use it as a compass to make your choices count. Build a life that, when you’re nearing the one and only thing you need to do, makes you smile at the strange, beautiful mess you’ve created.

And remember: if all else fails, you’re free to set up that llama sanctuary. Because why not?

Getting your best year in 2024

If you are like me you are using the time in the end of a year to prepare making your next year even better.

So starting a new year with the intention of making it your best year ever involves a combination of reflection, goal-setting, and intentional action. Here’s five steps to help you get started:

  1. Reflect on the Past Year:
    Take some time to reflect on the previous year. What were your achievements, challenges, and lessons learned? Understanding your past can help you make informed decisions for the future.
  2. Set Clear Goals:
    Define specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals for the year. Break down larger goals into smaller, more manageable tasks to make progress more achievable.
  3. Develop Positive Habits:
    Identify habits that contribute to your well-being and success. Establish a routine that incorporates these habits into your daily life. Consistency is key in forming new, positive habits
  4. Develop Healthy Habits:
    Consider adopting habits that contribute to your overall well-being. This could include regular exercise, a balanced diet, sufficient sleep, and mindfulness practices. Healthy habits provide a strong foundation for achieving your goals.
  5. Take Action:
    The most important step is to take action. Start working on your goals today, even if it’s with small steps. Consistent action is key to making progress and turning your aspirations into reality.

Remember, making it your best year ever is a process, not an overnight achievement. Stay committed, stay positive, and stay focused on your goals. Celebrate the small victories along the way, and keep moving forward.

And good luck for 2024

Why should I manifest?

It looks like one of the popular buzz word for the time being is MANIFESTING, but what does it mean and should I try it?

Manifesting is the practice of focusing your thoughts, beliefs, and intentions on a specific outcome or desire in order to bring it into your reality. The idea behind manifesting is that by aligning your thoughts and emotions with what you want to achieve or receive, you can attract and manifest those desires into your life.

There are different approaches to manifesting, but the underlying principle is based on the belief in the power of thoughts and the law of attraction. The law of attraction suggests that like attracts like, meaning that positive thoughts and emotions can attract positive experiences and outcomes.

By consciously directing your thoughts, visualizing your goals, and maintaining a positive mindset, you can increase the likelihood of achieving what you desire. The process often involves setting clear intentions, affirming positive statements, practicing gratitude, and taking inspired actions towards your goals.

It’s important to note that while manifesting can be a powerful tool for personal growth and goal achievement, it is not a magical solution or guarantee of instant results. It requires consistent effort, belief in oneself, and a willingness to take action in alignment with your intentions.

Manifesting can be seen as a way to tap into your own inner potential and create a mindset that is conducive to achieving your desired outcomes. It can help you clarify your goals, develop a positive attitude, and stay focused on your aspirations.

Photo: From «The chic life» run by Diana, click on the picture and go straight to the page for more about manifesting and Laws of attraction.

Let go of your past – Say hello to your future

Do you sometime feel stuck in your past. Not because you want to, but because it has become part of your identity. 

Listen, and let me explain:

You were bullied at school and therefore felt "less valuable" when you're among people. Of course, this is not true, but you may still hold onto it to this day because it "became a part of you ”. Are you thinking that, and that's why you still feel less valuable when you're among people.

Or it could be that you were told by your parents that "if you got your act together you could achieve almost anything" and to this day you sit with the feeling that you are still not "doing enough". Because you have not achieved everything.

Or maybe you are always "the funny one", but feel that it has become a slightly worn version of you. A version you want to put down.

And yet you keep repeating your old patterns. Why? Because it gives you some kind of security. A comfortable feeling of something familiar. But is that kind of security really that important to you? If it is the same (perhaps even false?) sense of security that keeps you stuck in the past and prevents you from unfolding into the future - is it worth it?

When we discover that old inhibiting patterns have become part of our identity, it is time to let them go. Because they hold us back. They stop us. They make us hit our glass ceiling. This is because we have come to believe that our old ways of functioning are necessary for us to feel like "ourselves".

When you discover it or realize it, you become far. Because then you can talk to a mentor, or a coach. And such a conversation can help you not to be stuck in the old situation anymore. To detach yourself from a self-image that belongs to the past, already here you will discover a huge freedom.

Being able to talk about your pain and your challenges is far better than unconsciously being stuck in them.

Photo by MARK ADRIANE on Unsplash

Redesigning the Future

«Redesigning the Future» was the theme of this summer’s conference hosted by EMCC Global (digital), the 27th in a row. In these post-corona times, it is quite right to think in new directions. We have seen a boom of webinars and now it is the new channel for us and also the podcast is coming. Our global president Riza Kadilar mentioned in 2019 a coaching app that had 500,000 downloads this summer (2021) the same app 2.5 million downloads.

I do not think anyone will lose the job of a robot, but we must find ways to integrate our work and practice with relevant technology. At the same time, we must also find ways to create digital communities where we can improve the ongoing dialogue between recipients and practitioners.

EMCC focuses on the digital that will play and save role to improve our services and our offerings and at the same time they will also put and special focus on hosting platforms.

In any case, I think I am at the forefront of development when I am a member of an organization with over 10,000 members in 85 different countries that has this as its focus.

At least I’m excited to being part of redesigning the future the EMCC way … what about you?

The Five Game Changers of Coaching

I read this post in an email from The coaching Institute and wanted to share it with you. The way we work, where we make our purchases, and spend our time is changing. 

Online coaches get to enjoy living in «the growing side of the economy.» The business advantages are so vast, we call them Game Changers. 

Here they are:

1. You can start with nothing

Most businesses require a specialized background or a sizeable financial investment. Not coaching, except learning coaching skills. 

There’s nothing you have to «bring with you» as a coach except your interest in helping people. 

You don’t need any kind of technological skills or educational background, be a particular age or gender, or live in a particular location. You’re needed just the way you are. 

Coaches can create a thriving coaching practice from home without having to make substantial purchases, learn complicated marketing systems, or even have a website. 

2. You don’t have to take risks

Most career changes involve risk, in that you have to leave your current workplace in order to start your new career. 

This is not the case for coaching! There are many ways to add coaching to your life on your own schedule without taking any career risks. 

For instance:

> Most of our students keep their day job as they study coaching and start developing a paying clientele on the side. 

> Some people choose to keep their current career, while practicing coaching as a meaningful second stream of income. This gives added income security.

Bottom line: as a coach, you get to call the shots. Add coaching to your life in the way that best serves you, without having to take any kind of professional risk. 

3. No Geographical Restrictions

Have you ever thought your income and career were limited by where you live? 

Yes, that used to be true. But it’s not true anymore. 

There are hundreds of millions of people online who are perfectly qualified to be coaching clients – nice, stable people with good incomes who are hoping that coaching will bring improvement to their lives. 

These clients don’t care where you live. What they want is quality coaching that can move their lives forward. You may never meet those clients in person. 

Therefore, as a coach, you can run your business from anywhere in the world, with no restrictions. 

4. Time freedom

Many of us have complex lives, with family, work, or other obligations that occupy our schedules. So it’s important to have a livelihood that is time-flexible. You want to be able to do your work in a way that fits your life.

As a coach, you get to design your coaching practice around your needs. Do you like to keep several days of the week completely free for your own use or for your passion projects? Great. Do you like to keep a whole week work-free every month? Super. Do you like to work until 11am every day and have the rest of the day for other things? It’s your option. 

Whether you have another profession, a full family life, or creative projects you want to work on, coaching gives you the time freedom to grow and develop yourself. 

5. Pandemic proof

The world has changed. Any business or career that requires customers to be physically present is in constant danger of having to close its doors. 

People are having to wake up every morning and check the news to see whether they’re likely to be sent home, or, worse, risk getting sick at work – or bringing sickness home. That’s not how life is supposed to be! 

It’s actually safer to have your own online business, that you get to run from the comfort of your own home. 

Unlike street businesses, which depend on local people to come in every day, as an online coach, you have a massive customer base: everybody on the internet. An online coach only needs 10-20 paying clients at any one time. And there are hundreds of millions of them.

The Sky Is The Limit

Coaching is the ultimate way to get started online. It’s easy to start. It’s purposeful, rewarding, and you learn so much about life and people. 

And if you’ve ever had dreams of doing something else – writing a book or leading groups, for instance, coaching is the perfect way to get there.

Coaching gives you the skills in creating change, a strong knowledge of human nature, and a working confidence in helping anybody make positive changes. It gives you stories of transformation from your coaching practice to share with your public. 

This was a post in an email I received from The Coaching Institute in 2020

The 21 Day Leadership Challenge – What now?

My favorite law, the umbrella under which all of the other laws fall, is the Law of Process. Leadership can’t be developed in a day or a week. Instead, it grows and becomes refined through a lifetime of self-management, skills acquisition, and relationships:

If you continually invest in your leadership development, letting your ‘assets’ compound, the inevitable result is growth over time. What can you see when you look at a person’s daily agenda? Priorities, passion, abilities, relationships, attitude, personal disciplines, vision, and influence. See what a person is doing every day, day after day, and you’ll know who that person is and what he or she is becoming.

Often, when I speak to people about leadership development, someone in the group will ask why a new graduate or a employee in the first few years should be concerned with leadership development, since they’re at the bottom of the totem pole. My answer is three-fold.

First, it’s critical to lead oneself and develop a strong foundation in self-management. Second, usually even «bottom of the totem pole» employees soon have an opportunity to lead something, whether it’s a small project or a intern meeting. And third, as Maxwell writes, «champions don’t become champions in the ring – they are merely recognized there.» If a employee waits until a leadership position is on the horizon to begin developing good leadership skills, the position may never present itself, or if it does, the employee will lack the necessary skills to thrive in that position. (Incidentally, point 3 is well illustrated in Maxwell’s first law, the Law of the Lid.).

Good luck everyone to become a better leader AND Thank you Maxwell for giving us The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership.