So many and fine places you come to as a trainer and speaker. Right now I am on my way to Ørlandet Millitary Base in Trondheim, Norway. After one hour flight to Trondheim I am now sitting on a boat (in one hour) out to the base. Actually it`s the second boat, because the first one had som kind of trouble and had to return back to the harbour after about 15 min.

So now are we 45 min. after schedule, but it`s a beautiful evening so it doesn`t matter.
Tomorrow I am going to talk about dream team. Haven`t heard about it, you said? Well it`s known to happen, when someone put together the team with “a trained eye”. F.ex. using Belbin or Thomas Int. D.I.S.C analyses. There are young people so I have to keep it simple and catchy.
To split 200 persons into four groups (D, I, S and C (Thomas Intern.) or red, yellow, green and blue (Insight)) in a teater will be fun. It would be the biggest crowd I had tried this on. But it is always a first time…
When I am sitting here and looking at around 50 youngsters in the boat with me, I am really starting to look forward to tomorrow. I can also se so many with a need for a mentor. It is so much potential here and I want to help them all. It`s fantastic to have a mentor in so young age. I have been a mentor for different young people over the last ten years. WOW… the fun, the excitement, the reflection and the graditude…

AIESEC Conference – Seminar “The Big Five”

 The seminar at the Aiesec conference went very well, a lot of people willing to learn how to be a mentor. At the end we talked about how this could be used for the best of Aiesec, maybe to get more members.

Some even talked about invited me to their schools to do the seminar again for all the members and maybe for some potential members to.


Well we have to see, and hopefully you will hear more about this. Here are some pictures.



Training Weekend in the Archipelago of Gothenburg, 2nd – 3rd of May

I got a request from JCI ( http://www.jci.cc/local/goteborg ) to come to Sweden and Gothenburd ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gothenburg )to do my seminar «The Big Five» in start of may.

The training is conducted in fantastic scenery just outside of Gothenburg in Sparreviken’s

lägergård, Ljungskile ( http://www.sparreviken.se/ in swedish).

The training will be in English so you could all attend. The price is set to 780 SEK (about 68 euro). To sign up to this wonderful training or ask for more information mail: Martin.Westerling@jcs.se

AIESEC Conference

Today I am going to the AIESEC Conference in Oslo, Norway to talk about mentoring.

Also here I will be conducting my seminar «The Big Five», I hope there will be a lot of people. More about this and some pictures will come a bit later.

If you are in Oslo, come by and join the seminar, it is in Chateau Neuf, Slemdalsveien 15.

It is right next to Politihøyskolen, Musikkhøyskolen and Meninghets fakultetet. It`s within walking distance from Majorstua which has stops for the subway(t-bane), tram (trikken) and buses.

Campus Kristiania Career days – Seminar “The Big Five”

As you all know by now I have a seminar called «The Big Five» where I am talking about the five tools in being a mentor. The seminar has grown very popular and the student at Campus Kristiania stood in line to get to the seminar. Taking only 30 participants it`s difficult to reach evry students who wants to participate.

All 32 students find the seminar very useful and had a great time with other students they barely knew and suddenly they were telling them personal things.

After the seminar they all would try the tools to be a better student and to get other students better.

Can a trainer ask for more?

Campus Kristiania Career days

Tomorrow I am going to Campus Kristiania in Norway and Oslo to conduct a three hours seminar in «The Big 5».

Learning the students to act as a mentor when it comes to projects and exams. I will post some more from the day, pictures and program for the whole event later.

Business Mentoring Works . . . Ask Rose

This is a very good example for a business mentors good work. For Entrepreneurs it should be an opportunity to get a mentor early in the business. They can help with a lot of things.

With her mentor’s help, Rose built a successful business loan application and qualified for the loan she needed to open the doors of her new store.

Read more here: www.micromentor.org

The Next Generations of Leaders

You will never maximize your potential in any area without coaching.  It is impossible. You may be good. You may even be better than everyone else.  But without outside input you will never be as good as you could be.

Strong words from Andy Stanley the author of the book «Next Generation Leader»

You can order it from www.amazon.com to read more.

The adept book

Right no I am working at my second edition for my first book, still in norwegian. But I hope it will be English/American within short time.

The book is a working book for the adept. I use the world adept, and others use protegee, mentees and maybe some other names. I use adept because it it is from the Latin language and the meaning is  a apprentice.

Do you have some opinions about what is best to call the person. Please write it here at my blogg.