Inspirational tip: Find a mentor – they’re not just for students



Look for someone whose work you admire or who simply excels in a single area where you’d like to expand your skills.



Mentors are a great asset! I would never have reached the levels I am at without a number of mentors. Mentors have made such an impact in my life that I decided to offer mentoring services to companies and people together with one of my mentors, Thor Erik Gulliksen . We do this in Trainifique , as you may already know.

To read more, klick here:






Inspiration tip: Try meditation


Filmmaker David Lynch swears his daily practice is       crucial to all his creative work.

I am not particularly good at this one myself.

But I do what I perceive as similar, and to the same      effect.

For example, I run. When running, I am letting my        mind flow, and I get the most fantastic of ideas.

Read more at:

Daily motivational post – starting this week!

Kai Roer in and I are working together in with mentorprogram and trainings.

Kai is an expert on motivational trainings and had worked up an 30-day series on things you can do to get more motivation and more creativity. The series will start this week, and go on daily for 30 days.

Please contribute with your ideas and comments too! The more we share, the better!

Happy week and stay tuned!

Learn from classical music


How to be a good mentor? Practitioners of classical music have much to teach, says musician, Norwegian Champion winner in tennis and scientist Ingrid Røynesdal. 

(from august 2008 by Nina Kraft)


Røynesdal believe corporations has much to learn of how the sportcoaches reveal the best from the atlets with close follow-up, and the coaches put up ambitious programs for personal development. 


But even more, she meens that business can learn from classical music. Musicians can at least just as closely follow-up and learningmasters is other top-musicians. 

 The most talented supporting a mass, very tough criticism, according to Røynesdal. A piano master who coach a young and promising pianist, can be merciless. 


It is also common to throw the younger out of the deep water and give her big tasks. That is good – but the premise is that the younger generation knows that her talent will be fully seen and recognized. 


Talents are spur of the criticism, if it is reasoned, honest and legitimate. In the business world, I have noticed a tendency to not say anything, perhaps because it is uncomfortable. It is much worse, she believes. 

 In addition, mentors for a talent should take care of the pleasure to perform. That´s were the pianist looks the most obvious difference to the business sector. 

 – The most talented are driven by their enjoyment of the job, "says Røynesdal.

Training Weekend in the Archipelago of Gothenburg

 The day before the training in JCI Gothenburg we went over to the city of Gothenburg, my wife, Lina (from Syria) and I. We had booked us into a nice hotel in the center for relaxing, enjoy and to show Lina the town (since my wife is from Sweden). After the tour of the city, Lina and I had time to plan the next day’s training before it was time for dinner in a town restaurant. 


 After 1 hour’s drive against the norwegian border, the training could start. The training "The Big Five" with Lina as co trainer for the first time. The participants were quickly tested himself as a mentor and mentee. The training is specifically structured so that there is so little time as possible to the theory and explanations, but a lot of time to practice. The first exercise where the mentee will talk only and mentor to listen (and do not show any signs to follow, or say something) is a practice that creates an aha experience. Here is where the importance of body language and to follow and immerse themselves in conversation. 


 Then, we went on where the mentor in the next exercise could ask questions, and here things is starting to fall into places. And all are amazed at how quickly time passes. Last exercise is where the mentor can come with questions, feedback, and not least, the mentor should try to get the mentee to reach a deadline. "When are you going to…"


 The exercises and not least the number of exercises will allow participants to get tested as a mentor several times, and that is the meaning. Learn it and do it! 


 On the way, we had several discussions related to the exercises and how they think it was and if the mentee thought that the mentor did well or something that mentor could improve. But all the trainings come to an end and unfortunately this also did, after four hours it was over and the participants an experience richer. 


After a training people will always be discussing things or ask more questions, so also this time. And as trainers is Lina and I especially happy when the participants are telling us that this was a surprisingly practical training. And that was what made it special and good, namely that the tools they could now go out in life and use. Already the next day, they actually could start to be a mentor on the job or in their spare time, or perhaps in the marriage. 


 I hope that some of the interesting ideas that emerged in the training becomes a reality, that JCI Gothenburg start a mentor program. That way, more people could get even better personal development and achieve their goals. 


 THANK YOU, JCI Gothenburg, Thank you from Lina and Thor-Erik. 

Where Passion Meets Purpose

I come over this community for people who want to share their unique skills with others.

MentorWorks blends mentoring, coaching and consulting services from trusted knowledge experts, creating a one-of-a-kind marketplace to learn skills and find resources.

I sign up for a membership today, it´s free, I´m looking forward to try it.

You can also follow them at twitter