Most Outstanding Trainer in Europe 2009

My partner in Trainifique ( ) visited the largest radiostation in Norway for an interviewed yesterday (27/5-09) to talk about his nomination as the Most Outstanding Trainer in Europe 2009.

Read more and hear the program (sorry, it is only in Norwegian) in his blogg:

Why Join a mentor program?

Joining a mentoring program is a very powerful tool that can help you reach your potential because of the training and empowerment it provides. Mentoring is also one of the most effective ways for you to advance in your career because your skills are developed and your performance is monitored.

In short, mentoring enables you to be the person you really want to be.

A mentor will help a mentee believe in his or her capabilities as a person. Because of this, the self-confidence of the mentee will be improved and they will be more apt to accept more challenges in the future. The mentor would also enable the mentee to explore new ideas so that you can achieve a higher level of self-assurance in yourself and explore even greater highs of success. The mentoring program will be an opportunity for you to take a deeper look at yourself, your goals, your personality, and your life. This will enable you to know which the right path you should take in life is.

I found this on and it was so good written and described.

The Houdini technique

Make easy things look difficult.

Make difficult things look easy.

I really did like this, it`s like the KISS method. Keep it Simple and Stupid, well maybe not stupid, but so easy that everybody can do it. I did read the rest of the article/blog to Seth Godin at

The story goes on like this:

«Flying a plane from one city to another, on time, is incredibly difficult. There’s a million things that can go wrong. And yet, for years, the airlines worked hard to make it appear easy. They wanted to appear competent and to make us feel safe.

The other day, as I waited for a flight, I heard the dreaded announcement. The flight was delayed, there was a mechanical problem. Angst filled the gate area.

Five minutes later, they announced that the problem was fixed, and we could board… we ended up leaving ten minutes early. Joy throughout the land!

Where did the joy come from? It came from the rapid shift in expectations. For a moment, the airline made it look hard. then they did the trick and we were saved.

Houdini never said, “check out these trick handcuffs and watch how easy it is for me to take them off.»»

I`m not quite sure about the airplane like a picture of this, because you want the airplane to be riskfree. And to fix a problem in four minute is…

But maybe I´m just a little afraid boy ?


 Dream team part 2

THE DAY is here, I am ready to deliver big time. The time is pm 2.15 and pm 13.00 is the light and sound check. We decided to go for all dark in the beginning and light both in teater and scene afterwards. 


Countdown is near and the people is getting in the room. Tick, tack, tick, tack…


At pm 2.15 the light went out and I started to tell a story about my time in the millitary. A story about a team effort.


The story is over and the light comes on. 200 people, 160 men and 40 women, ready to here more about dream team.


After talking in general about team and groups, I got into the D.I.S.C from Thomas International. Talking about the different personalities we have. Then I used it to devide the audience into two groups and then into two more. A group as big as this was the first time for me and also in a teater as well. Then two persons from each group comes to the stage to built a fifth group.


They got two questions to work with for about 3-4 minutes.


«Give me a metaphore for women in the millitary»


«What will a dream team look like»


The theory was once again proved, because the different groups answer just as I thought (and D.I.S.C).


The D is fast, not peopleoriented and fast decisions

The I is fast, people oriented and likes to hear his own voice

The S is calm, peopleoriented and wants that everybody are having a good time

The C is calm, not peopleoriented and very formal


In addition to the four groups we have the fifth group. This was the «ideal» group, and they proved it. They came up with two good answers and took a vote for the best.


Both I and S didn`t manage to get me an answer, they just stood there and looked at eachother.


D came with a answer that shocked us all (except the D`s) and C had a well formulated answer. With a lot of background for the answer and for why they answer that.


In between all the theory and group questions I showed commercials. Funny commercials with high music and a team punch line in the end. The commercials I used was:

«Bad Idea Jeans» from JC (banned commercial)

«Bud Light» from Budweiser

«Singing and dancing Stratos cow» from Nidar Chocolate Company


And I also used the best jokes in the world from The University of Hertfordshire research project from 2001 (


No. 2:

Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson go on a camping trip.  After a good dinner and a bottle of wine, they retire for the night, and go to sleep.

Some hours later, Holmes wakes up and nudges his faithful friend. “Watson, look up at the sky and tell me what you see.”

I see millions and millions of stars, Holmes” replies Watson.

And what do you deduce from that?

Watson ponders for a minute.  “Well, 



Astronomically, it tells me that there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets. 


Astrologically, I observe that Saturn is in Leo. 


Horologically, I deduce that the time is approximately a quarter past three. 


Meteorologically, I suspect that we will have a beautiful day tomorrow. 


Theologically, I can see that God is all powerful, and that we are a small and insignificant part of the universe. 

But what does it tell you, Holmes?

Holmes is silent for a moment.  

Watson, you idiot!” he says.  “Someone has stolen our tent!” 


And No. 1

A couple of New Jersey hunters are out in the woods when one of them falls to the ground. He doesn’t seem to be breathing, his eyes are rolled back in his head. The other guy whips out his cell phone and calls the emergency services. He gasps to the operator: “My friend is dead! What can I do?” 

The operator, in a calm soothing voice says: “Just take it easy. I can help. First, let’s make sure he’s dead.” There is a silence, then a shot is heard. 

The guy’s voice comes back on the line. He says: “OK, now what?“ 


So finally in the end I connect my iPhone to the system and called up my wife.

And to hear 200 people singing the «Happy Birthday» song to my wife over the phone…

Breathtaking, and brings the tear in my eyes. I have so much to thank here for.


It was a great success and the feedback was that I manage to combine both funny stuff and interested stuff about the persons way of acting. Both alone and in a team. Be aware of that, use D.I.S.C and Thomas International and get DREAM TEAMS…

Why isn`t everybody having a mentor?

It strikes me, time after time. Everywhere when I talk to people and for people about mentoring. Almost everyone is responding the same way, as a big question mark in their face. I want a mentor they say, and wondering how to get one.

I don`t think it`s easy to get a mentor outside a mentorprogram. Even when I am saying “just pick up the phone”. Call the man or women you want and let them know why you want them especially.
Tell him why and how much you admire this person.
Who do you think will turn you down???
Maybe it`s just me, but when someone calls me up, telling me what a great guy I am. And how much he or she admires me, I run to him…
So my hope for the future is to hear moore people at my seminar and trainings telling that “of course” I have a mentor… DHAAAAAAAAAAAAA…


So many and fine places you come to as a trainer and speaker. Right now I am on my way to Ørlandet Millitary Base in Trondheim, Norway. After one hour flight to Trondheim I am now sitting on a boat (in one hour) out to the base. Actually it`s the second boat, because the first one had som kind of trouble and had to return back to the harbour after about 15 min.

So now are we 45 min. after schedule, but it`s a beautiful evening so it doesn`t matter.
Tomorrow I am going to talk about dream team. Haven`t heard about it, you said? Well it`s known to happen, when someone put together the team with “a trained eye”. F.ex. using Belbin or Thomas Int. D.I.S.C analyses. There are young people so I have to keep it simple and catchy.
To split 200 persons into four groups (D, I, S and C (Thomas Intern.) or red, yellow, green and blue (Insight)) in a teater will be fun. It would be the biggest crowd I had tried this on. But it is always a first time…
When I am sitting here and looking at around 50 youngsters in the boat with me, I am really starting to look forward to tomorrow. I can also se so many with a need for a mentor. It is so much potential here and I want to help them all. It`s fantastic to have a mentor in so young age. I have been a mentor for different young people over the last ten years. WOW… the fun, the excitement, the reflection and the graditude…

AIESEC Conference – Seminar “The Big Five”

 The seminar at the Aiesec conference went very well, a lot of people willing to learn how to be a mentor. At the end we talked about how this could be used for the best of Aiesec, maybe to get more members.

Some even talked about invited me to their schools to do the seminar again for all the members and maybe for some potential members to.


Well we have to see, and hopefully you will hear more about this. Here are some pictures.



Training Weekend in the Archipelago of Gothenburg, 2nd – 3rd of May

I got a request from JCI ( ) to come to Sweden and Gothenburd ( )to do my seminar «The Big Five» in start of may.

The training is conducted in fantastic scenery just outside of Gothenburg in Sparreviken’s

lägergård, Ljungskile ( in swedish).

The training will be in English so you could all attend. The price is set to 780 SEK (about 68 euro). To sign up to this wonderful training or ask for more information mail:

AIESEC Conference

Today I am going to the AIESEC Conference in Oslo, Norway to talk about mentoring.

Also here I will be conducting my seminar «The Big Five», I hope there will be a lot of people. More about this and some pictures will come a bit later.

If you are in Oslo, come by and join the seminar, it is in Chateau Neuf, Slemdalsveien 15.

It is right next to Politihøyskolen, Musikkhøyskolen and Meninghets fakultetet. It`s within walking distance from Majorstua which has stops for the subway(t-bane), tram (trikken) and buses.