The mentor is done learning and know everything and adept is there to learn.
The person who thinks he is finish learning is finish. The mentor also has to work hard to develop his competence. Mentoring is mutual learning.
Mentoring isn’t just advice – it’s the shortcut to sustainable success
The mentor is done learning and know everything and adept is there to learn.
The person who thinks he is finish learning is finish. The mentor also has to work hard to develop his competence. Mentoring is mutual learning.
Good mentoring relationship starts with preparation by both parties. As a mentor you should be as aware as possible of what you have to contribute and how your potential contributions can match the needs of the adept.
The adepts too, might prepare a list of questions about what they hope to get out of the mentoring relationship.
The following checklist will give you an idea of the things you will benefit from clarifying as a mentor:
This is a good step by step guide from the Mentoring specialist Judith Germain on how to embed a peer to peer mentoring programme within an internal comms department.
Read more her
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The mentor is giving advice and the adept listen.
This is so thru and what it`s all about. Taylor Lindstrom writes about how mentors can help with career development in San Francisco Chronicle (
Taylor Lindstrom writes about how mentors can help with career development and Kathleen Pytleski, senior vice president of Mentium (, a mentor-mentee matching company, recommends that employees find a mentor who has the skills that they may not already have. «Look for someone who has a skill set you want to develop, someone whose talents you admire. “This person’s a good leader — I want to be a good leader like that”, she says.
Some say that mentoring not only benefits the individuals involved, but also pays dividends for the profession as a whole. F.ex. even laywers who are just starting out at a law firm or lawyers who are moving into a new area of practice can learn from the experience of others through a mentoring relationship.
Society today is rediscovering that the process of learning and maturing needs time and many kinds of relationships.