Ten actions that are guaranteed to motivate you!


Life is filled with experiences that take you up to the highest hills, and down into the deepest caves. And I am no different. These are the ten things I do when I need to dig myself out of a cave, or use as a parachute when I tumble down from the highest mountain!
10: Music
Music is claimed to origin from the rhythms of nature. From the wind sweeping over the sea, over the rocks, hailing through the forest. From birds singing, wolfs crying. From the shifts of nature that bangs on constantly, silently, wild, endlessly. The first humans gathered the rhythms using drums, sticks and hauling. Over the years the rhythms has evolved and refined itself, creating music.
Music is energy. Refined, redefined energy. It surrounds us. And it controls our emotions. You can easily control your moods by the type of music you listen to – happy, sad, energetic, lazy, strong, angry. And if you use music consciously, you can learn to control your moods and create your own motivating playlist.
Your playlist can be used for many things – from working out, helping you reach your goals, getting you up in the morning, helping you relax, getting you “in da mood” – you name it, the right kind of music will do the trick!

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