This is it—The GRAND DESIGN!

Are you ready?

Ready to write (and right) your future? Ready to be bold, dream big and put it (your aspirations) on the line (literally)?

Ready to proclaim your BHAGs (Big, Hairy and Audacious Goals)?

This is it. It’s time for the GRAND DESIGN.

This is actually the easy part. You knew about goal-setting before this course—how to make a list of what you want to accomplish in the next one to 10 years.

The difficult part has been the process we have gone through to get here—figuring out who you really are, assessing how you’ve done in life so far, and most important, what assets, strengths and opportunities you have to work with going forward. We’ll come to another big challenge later in the series when we work on figuring out how to take the dreams, ambitions and big goals from your Grand Design and develop the plan of action to achieve them. But right now we’re going to focus on developing your Grand Design. And as a result, you’ll identify the person, the accomplishments and the life you have always wanted to have.

The links to the Guidelines document and the entire set of worksheets to design your 10-year and this year’s goals are listed in the RSS feed excerpt sent to your inbox. The Guidelines document contains subtle and seemingly inconsequential instructions and questions. But following these instructions and writing your goals will help you transform your wishes and aspirations into results. We will also “scrub” all your goals to make surethey are S.M.A.R.T.BALANCED and will ultimately produce the whole-life success you desire.

Read more at The Success Magazine here:

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