The Significance of Ethics in Mentoring and Coaching – Part 3

The Global Code of Ethics

The Global Code of Ethics supports excellence in the development of coaching, mentoring, and supervision and it raises the standards of practice of their members. It was created by two professional associations in February 2016 – Association for Coaching (‘AC’) and EMCC.

Click here to see a full list of the professional bodies who have become signatories

The code has a wider impact by informing the work of people who may not be members of the signatory bodies but who practice coaching, mentoring, supervision, and training related activities or are sponsors, users, beneficiaries and purchasers of such services, anywhere around the world.

The code has recently been updated to the third version (July 2021) and is currently available Chinese (Mandarin), English, Czech, Danish, French, Hungarian, Polish, Portuguese, and Spanish.  We are working on translating it into other languages (Arabic, Dutch, Greek, Indian (Hindi), Italian, Romanian, and Turkish).  If you would like to see the code in your language, please contact us

You can find out more about the Code here and also download a simple copy of a pdf document of the Global Code of Ethics in your language here

All the text is from EMCC Global

The Significance of Ethics in Mentoring and Coaching – Part 2

  1. Professional Boundaries

Maintaining professional boundaries is another critical aspect of ethical mentoring and coaching. Ethical guidelines provide clear boundaries that mentors and coaches should adhere to in their relationships with mentees or clients. These boundaries help prevent the abuse of power and the crossing of lines that could harm the individuals seeking guidance.

By maintaining appropriate boundaries, mentors and coaches ensure that their interactions remain focused on the mentee’s or client’s development rather than personal or ulterior motives. This professionalism contributes to the overall effectiveness of the mentoring and coaching process.

  1. Accountability and Integrity

Ethical mentors and coaches prioritize accountability and integrity in their interactions. They are committed to providing accurate information and guidance, even when it may not be what the mentee or client wants to hear. This commitment to honesty and transparency is crucial for the mentee’s growth and development.

Furthermore, ethical mentors and coaches hold themselves accountable for their actions and decisions. If they make a mistake or act inappropriately, they are willing to acknowledge it and take steps to rectify the situation. This accountability builds trust and demonstrates the mentor’s or coach’s commitment to the mentee’s success.

  1. Long-Term Benefits

Mentoring and coaching relationships that are grounded in ethics are more likely to yield long-term benefits. When mentors and coaches prioritize the well-being and development of their mentees or clients over personal gain, the mentees are more likely to experience sustained growth and success.

Ethical mentors and coaches are invested in the long-term success of their mentees or clients, which may include helping them navigate challenges, make ethical decisions, and develop the skills necessary for their personal and professional goals. As a result, these relationships often lead to lasting positive outcomes.


Ethics plays a pivotal role in the success of mentoring and coaching relationships. By adhering to ethical principles such as trust, respect, professional boundaries, accountability, and integrity, mentors and coaches create an environment where individuals can thrive and reach their full potential. These ethical foundations not only benefit the mentees or clients but also contribute to the overall growth and development of the mentor or coach, making mentoring and coaching a truly transformative experience for all involved.

Get into the next post to see European Mentoring and CoachingCouncil and their «The Global Code of Ethics», coming very soon

The Significance of Ethics in Mentoring and Coaching – Part 1


Mentoring and coaching are powerful tools for personal and professional development. They offer individuals the opportunity to learn from experienced mentors and coaches, helping them grow and achieve their goals. However, the effectiveness of mentoring and coaching is greatly enhanced when they are conducted with a strong ethical foundation. In these two articles, we will explore why ethics is important in mentoring and coaching and how it contributes to the success of these relationships.

  1. Trust and Confidentiality

Ethics plays a fundamental role in establishing and maintaining trust in mentoring and coaching relationships. Trust is the cornerstone of any successful mentoring or coaching partnership. When individuals seek guidance and support from mentors or coaches, they must feel safe and confident that their personal and professional information will be treated with the utmost confidentiality.

Ethical guidelines dictate that mentors and coaches must respect the confidentiality of their mentees or clients. This ensures that mentees can open up about their challenges, fears, and aspirations without fear of judgment or disclosure. Trust forms the foundation of a productive and transformative mentoring or coaching relationship.

  1. Respect and Non-discrimination

Ethics in mentoring and coaching also emphasize the importance of respect and non-discrimination. Every individual is unique, with their own values, beliefs, and experiences. Ethical mentors and coaches recognize and respect these differences, creating a space that is inclusive and non-judgmental.

Respecting the diversity of mentees or clients helps build a supportive and nurturing environment where they feel valued and understood. This, in turn, fosters a more open and constructive exchange of ideas and insights, ultimately leading to greater personal and professional growth.

Remember to read my next post as well to get the rest of why ethics is important.