My book project

I am writing two books about mentoring. They are handbooks for the involved part in a mentoring relationship.
I have learned in my years working with mentoring that both adepts and mentors don`t get the full potential out of the time they spend together.
The reflection part and the overall perspective is less because they take easy on the fact that writing down all thoughts is important.
It is important if you want personal growth to take notes. So my project is to find some tool to make it more easy for both adepts and mentors.

I am writing one book for the adept and one for the mentor. Mentoring is an exciting topic and it is easy to find a lot of material, but more difficult to select the most important.

Care to comments or tip me of topics you are more than welcome

Are You ready to get a mentor?

The popular advice is «find a mentor».
But before you get one you should ask yourself «How ready am I to be mentored»?

Your readiness will have a significant impact on how successful and productive the mentoring partnership will be.

Follow the link and take this quiz that will give you a start in assessing your readiness..