The four excuses

There are four explanations, we humans often tell ourselves over and over again, when it comes to what is preventing us from achieving our goals.
We call them surface excuses, because immediately below them are deeper reasons why we fail to act.

These four excuses are just a few, we as humans serves up because they are easy and do not require of us that we really take responsibility and act.

Through mentoring, it is possible to get behind the defense mechanisms and act on what really prevents us, rather than focusing on the excuses that immediately seem accessible and reliable.


The four excuses are:

1 «I do not have time»
If you truly believe that you do not have time to work to achieve your goal, you must ask yourself if it is worth getting what you want. If you experience time as a problem, you know that it is because you do not prioritize your goals high enough.

2 «I have no money»
If you think that money can prevent you from achieving what you really want, so the goal is maybe not attractive enough.
What’s important in life is that we each find our purpose – that is what really matters to YOU​​, what you’re really passionate about, what truly gives meaning and quality of life for you.

If money becomes a goal in itself, life can easily become meaningless. As humans, we also have many other needs that must be met before we feel happy inside.
So if you continue to use your economy as the reason for not achieving your goals, it might be a good idea to work on this position possibly with your mentor.

3 «I do not have the skills»
Here it is important to realize that this is merely a belief, and that limiting beliefs can be changed in the same way as they were created, namely yourself.

None of those we know who have experienced success, had jurisdiction, since they started. Competencies when they first get down the road, as they have received the necessary training.

If you do not have the skills required to work in the field, it has set itself the goal, then I have an education, go on courses, training and thereby improve his skills and competencies. It makes no sense to declare themselves unfit from the start.

4 «I do not have the resources»
«I do not have the right network, I do not live in the right place, I do not have the right education» etc.. Etc.. Indicates that it is time to realize that resources will emerge as side benefits, as long as you begins to act.

If all those who have achieved the goals they have set in their lives, should have waited until they had the resources, most never be taken off.

21 Great Ways to Manage Your Time and Double Your Productivity

I am always struggling to get more productive and to get more things done in less hour.  Right now I am trying Brian Tracy´s «21 Great Ways to Manage Your Time and Double Your Productivity». i would also like to share the book with you.

Like Having 48 Hour Days

How many times have you exclaimed, «There just aren’t enough hours in a day?!»  21 Ways to Manage Your Time and Double Your Productivity  by Bryan Tracy will show you prioritizing your tasks can make you 2 to 3 times more productive.


21 Great Ways Double Your Productivity

21 Ways to Manage Your Time and Double Your Productivity is the fast-track to your goals and dreams.

Become Faster and Better

In this program I give you 21 iron clad methods to speed through your «to do» list and still have time to relax with your family and friends.

It’s easy to do once you start! 

In this program I teach you how to:

  • Double your productivity
  • Speed through your «to do» list
  • Overcome procrastination
  • Make more money
  • Spend less time at work

If you want to by the book, click here:

The Myth of What We Manage

Perhaps it is merely semantics, but an underlying problem I find that people have, as it relates to the success in their life, lies in a proper understanding of what exactly it is they manage. Think about it. We have time management (in fact, I present a seminar on this very topic, some of which is excerpted below), and financial management, and relational management, weight management, career management, and many, many more.

The fact is, though, we don’t manage any of those things. What we do manage is ourselves and how we relate to those things. We don’t manage time. Time clicks by, second by second, whether we do anything or not. What we do manage is ourselves, and our activities, as the time passes. We make choices as to what we will do and be involved in. The problem as well as the solution lies not with time, but with us.

So as we live our lives and pursue success, one of the keys to grab onto is the idea that the most important thing we can manage isn’t a thing at all—it is ourselves!

How, then, can we manage ourselves? Here are some thoughts.

Make sure that the above is firmly ingrained in your thinking: I only manage myself. I can choose how I will act and react in every situation. Dwight D. Eisenhower said, “The history of free men is not written by chance, but by choice, their choice.”

Know your priorities. Do you know from top to bottom what your priorities are? Have you decided what the top 10 things are that you want to spend your time on? How about with your money? Only after you know these things can you properly manage yourself into choosing to live in line with your priorities.

Learn to say no with a smile on your face. Here is where most of us fail. We do not choose to say no to those things that are not a matter of priority (the reason why is another article, and probably a few counseling sessions at that). Someone calls us up and asks us to do something for them (usually because they haven’t managed themselves and would like our help picking up the pieces), and we say, “Uh, I guess so.” Then what? We usually kick ourselves for the rest of the day. “Why did I ever say yes?” Instead, practice this: “Gee, I am really sorry, but I am not going to be able to be involved this time. I am sure you will be able to find somebody, though.” Go ahead and try it right now. Weird, isn’t it? That is because we don’t say it very often.

Schedule your priorities into your schedule, budget or whatever structure governs that particular area of your life. For example, do you have a financial budget that you yourself set? Then do you first and foremost allocate your money in that way, say, at the beginning of the month? If you do, you will eliminate even the opportunity to blow your money on impulse decisions and expenses because your money has already been committed to the priorities of your own choosing. The same principles apply to your management of time.

Remember, one of the greatest gifts God gave us is the ability to choose. And we can choose to manage ourselves appropriately according to our priorities. As we do, we will find ourselves feeling less and less of the personal pain and frustration we sometimes feel when we are out of control and not managing ourselves based on our priorities.

by Chris Widener