
Mentorguru is a mentoring- and learning programs company based in Europe and it was founded by Thor Erik Gulliksen in 2008. We offer mentoring programs as a framework for qualified, pioneering and innovative courses and lectures, that by developing human resources for our customers, leading to improved satisfaction, lower absenteeism and higher quality.

We deliver value-added services through personal- and business development, leadership training and efficiency programs. The delivery is done through mentoring programs, courses and lectures.


Mentorguru will:

Help people to personal development worldwide


  • Playful
  • Professional
  • Genuine
We are a progressive and professional skills updated provider that offers courses and lectures to companies, private, voluntary and public organizations. We inspire and assist people to develop their resources and their interpersonal skills, and to increase their ability to self-governance.The learning process involves active participation, so they explore ideas in a structured manner and ininteraction with other participants. Theory and practice go hand in hand and ensure the progressive development of the participants

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