Wisdom on demand

Surfing the internet I came across www.cwerty.com, they provides individuals with-on-demand access to expertise and guidance from the world’s most experienced business leaders.
Cwerty.com provides a broad range of topics that reflect the most common challenges facing business professionals today. The short (5 minute or less) format provides users with easily digestible segments that they can immediately apply to the challenges they face daily.

Fifty Lessons (www.50lessons.com), is the world’s leading digital video business library has created Cwerty.com.

Video is a powerful and complete learning tool combining a range of proven learning styles within one single, easy-to-access format. Since learning styles vary from visual and/or auditory, to action learning such as note taking, most people favor one learning style over another. Further complicating the learning landscape, time of day plays an important role in recall.
Some people retain new information better in the morning while others are sharper at night. Online video delivers a variety of ways to learn and allows each person or organization to customize the experience to suit their own preferences, schedules, and specific learning needs.

Note that each video costs $0.99

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