A good mentor can make the difference in navigating your professional path

This is so thru and what it`s all about. Taylor Lindstrom writes about how mentors can help with career development in San Francisco Chronicle (www.sfgate.com).

Taylor Lindstrom writes about how mentors can help with career development and Kathleen Pytleski, senior vice president of Mentium (www.menttium.com), a mentor-mentee matching company, recommends that employees find a mentor who has the skills that they may not already have. «Look for someone who has a skill set you want to develop, someone whose talents you admire. “This person’s a good leader — I want to be a good leader like that”, she says.

Because mentors can provide excellent counsel, companies often provide a formal way for junior employees to partner with senior-level staff. However, seeking a mentor within one’s own company has both advantages and setbacks.

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