What to do before you got a mentor

People who had used a mentor says that it was difficult to exact know what they want out of a mentor. One way is to try to find out what kind of experience and what you want to learn, once itś over. And during the first meeting things use to get clearer.

One of my own tip is to try to put together a plan for the next 3 month and for the next year, a sort of life plan. You can f.ex. read and listen to Michael Hyatt and what he means about the subject: Michael Hyatt

«With Creating Your Personal Life Plan, Michael Hyatt has fired A LASER BEAM OF FOCUS into a world of uncertainty. Finally, a brightly lit, well-marked pathway for the person who desires true and lasting success!”

New York Times Bestselling Author
The Traveler’s Gift, The Noticer, and The Final Summit

Word of today – Mentorship

Each day I get a small video from John Maxwell, it´s called «A minute with Maxwell» and today it was about mentoring. So I had to put it out on my web

Today’s «A Minute with Maxwell» video lesson was filmed during my Live Event in Orlando, Florida where I spent three days with my team members that are a part of my John C. Maxwell Coach, Speaker and Teacher Certification Program.

Here is the video


Here is more about John Maxwell

  • Best-selling author of over 74 books
  • Legendary speaker worldwide
  • Global trainer of 6 million leaders in over 176 countries

And his «A Minute with Maxwell» is like a path to success. It’s a video coaching program where I come along side of you each day, teach you the meaning of a word and add value to your life. And then you can ‘spread the word’ and inspire others around the world. Just one word a day can make a big difference in your life-and those of many others!»

His webpage is:

Jim Maxwell

A review of your LifePlan for 2013

In January this year I wrote an article about making a life plan and also some personal tips. We are a little over halfway in to 2013, the summer is almost over  and time to review this years plan. Which goals have you reached and which goals are you still working on…

Take some time to reflect, before the last month of 2013.

Read my post here

The Leadership Effect – Guestblogger


It is with great honour I represent our guestblogger Rik Nemanick, from The Leadership Effect. You will in the following weeks get blogposts about the rules of mentoring.

Ph. D. Rik Nemanick has spent more than 10 years helping organizations get more out of their mentoring programs by focusing mentoring where it will have the most impact, accelerating the development of mentoring partnerships, and building social capital within and between organizations. He co-founded The Leadership Effect in the United States to help companies identify and develop their leadership talent. He is currently working on a book on his Eight Rules of Mentoring.

Rik is an adjunct faculty member in Saint Louis University’s MBA program and an instructor in Washington University’s Masters of Human Resource Management program. He has given seminars on mentoring and organizational change to various professional organizations and through Washington University’s University College. Rik holds a doctorate in organizational psychology from Saint Louis University.

How do I plan for 2013

Going from 2012 to 2013 got me to think about Confucius when he talked to his student about planning.

The student: Where do you think I should go?

Confucius:It depends on where you wanna go

The student: It doesn´t matter that much

Confucius: Then it doesn´t matter where you go

It´s a good story about planning and I am sitting and planning my 2013, wanna know where I want to go. First of all I think it is important to know where you come from and what you have in your baggage. Therefor i use «The wheel of life».

This one I found here


This is my platform, this is where I come from. I find myself between 1 and 10, and even if it´s only 3, that is my baggage. I have to start from there…

I then start by brainstorming the 8 dimensions of my life that is important for me. When you do the same you can put in and take out which dimensions that are important for you.

My dimensions are: Business/Career – Finances – Health – Family and friends – Romance/My marriage – Personal growth – Fun and recreation – Physical Environment.

I will then have identified all the dimensions and I will find areas that need attention, meaning below 7. I will then find actions needed to work on regaining balance and there is where most of my goals for 2013 are.

F.ex. if I don´t spend enough time with my friends one of my goals for this year would be to find more time to meet my friends. And on Business/Career I put in my two big projects for 2013. Then I take f.ex. one of the projects and set up goals on short and long terms.


This is one way to do it, earlier I wrote about a Life Plan, thats also a very good way to do it. I guess the most important here is that you actually do it, planning there is…







Mentoring combined with training…

Every no and the I see different statistic all over the world, this one is from USA and from mentoring point of view it´s very, very good.

According to a study by the American Society for Training and Development,
training alone increased managerial productivity by 24%.

When training was used in combination with mentoring and coaching,
productivity increased by 88%.

Training institute in Spain

Today I am leaving for Spain, Alicante, for looking at a new training facility their. I am really looking forward to it and to have a possibilities to train in Spain. Who will be the first company to sign up for a training here?

21 Great Ways to Manage Your Time and Double Your Productivity

I am always struggling to get more productive and to get more things done in less hour.  Right now I am trying Brian Tracy´s «21 Great Ways to Manage Your Time and Double Your Productivity». i would also like to share the book with you.

Like Having 48 Hour Days

How many times have you exclaimed, «There just aren’t enough hours in a day?!»  21 Ways to Manage Your Time and Double Your Productivity  by Bryan Tracy will show you prioritizing your tasks can make you 2 to 3 times more productive.


21 Great Ways Double Your Productivity

21 Ways to Manage Your Time and Double Your Productivity is the fast-track to your goals and dreams.

Become Faster and Better

In this program I give you 21 iron clad methods to speed through your «to do» list and still have time to relax with your family and friends.

It’s easy to do once you start! 

In this program I teach you how to:

  • Double your productivity
  • Speed through your «to do» list
  • Overcome procrastination
  • Make more money
  • Spend less time at work

If you want to by the book, click here:


2011 JCI World Congress

This is the best leader training organization and their world congress. The 2011 JCI World Congress General Assembly 1 is live right now! Tune in at the JCI Events Live Streaming Page http://t.co/xzdeCj2p”

Folklorist this exiting event live.