Using Newsletter

To find out whats new and doś and don’t`s I use newsletters, I subscribe to a lot of newsletters. I like to share some of them with you here in this article.


Michael Hyatt
He is the author of Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World (Thomas Nelson). It is a New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestseller. Recently, Forbes magazine named he one of the Top 50 Social Media Influencers of 2013.

This is his personal blog. It is focused on “intentional leadership.” And his mission is to help leaders leverage their influence. As a result, he writes on personal development, leadership, productivity, platform, and publishing. On occasion, he also write about stuff that doesn’t fit neatly into one of these categories.

His goal is to create insightful, relevant content that you can put to work in your personal and professional life. If you are in a position of leadership—or aspire to be—then this blog is for you.

He typically post three times a week.

Mentoring Works
This is Ann Rolfe, Australia’s most published author on mentoring, Ann Rolfe has thirty years experience in learning and development. For the last sixteen years, she has specialised in helping organisations and individuals enjoy the benefits of mentoring. Widely respected as a consultant and presenter, her training programs and resources are used internationally to develop and support mentoring. In 2011, a program she helped design and deliver within the NSW Department of Community and Family Services won the LearnX Asia Pacific Platinum Award for Best Coach/Mentoring Training Program.

She is also the winner of «Best Mentoring Blog» 2011 and 2012, futured at this site.



Radical Mentoring
Radical Mentoring is produced by the Next Generation Mentoring Foundation. After years of mentoring younger men individually, Regi Campbell heard a speaker say “More time, with fewer people, equals greater kingdom impact”, and he set off to mentor a group of men for the first time. Since 2001, he’s mentored nearly 100 men personally in what he calls “Radical Mentoring Groups” and his model for mentoring has been embraced by many other Christian leaders.



Bryan Tracy
Brian’s goal is to help you achieve your personal and business goals faster and easier than you ever imagined. Brian Tracy has consulted for more than 1,000 companies and addressed more than 5,000,000 people in 5,000 talks and seminars throughout the US, Canada and 55 other countries worldwide. As a Keynote speaker and seminar leader, he addresses more than 250,000 people each year. He has studied, researched, written and spoken for 30 years in the fields of economics, history, business, philosophy and psychology. He is the top selling author of over 45 books that have been translated into dozens of languages.



John Maxwell

He has written over 70 books and speak to millions of people who, like us, value what it takes to become a great leader. As you browse this site he trust we will find the resources you need to make your leadership experience not only memorable but influential. His leadership philosophy is simple: “Everything rises and falls on leadership.”

With so much hinging upon this philosophy his made it my his passion to develop leaders at all levels. He believe in us and the power of your influence to create a legacy within your sphere of influence that will leave behind an army of leaders who get the importance of strong leadership.



Solution Box
David Wood is a personal and business coach, and a founder of the International Coach Academy – now training coaches globally. He is a Professional Certified Coach with the International Coach Federation (ICF).  David has now coached clients in 13 countries, and has personally mentored over 60 coaches.»



A life in balance

Every year I put together my own life plan for that year, and maybe the most important thing is to also have balance. I can´t just put up there all I want in one specific area, but I have to use the whole “wheel of Life”.

“Wheel of Life” is a tool used in coaching and mentoring and is just to help you find balance in your life.

 Balance is many things, but first and foremost its to generate profits in our lives and enable us to handle everything that comes our way. If I were in balance, I could be completely sure I immediately could feel it in myself and in my surroundings. 

But what is balance?

-You are coming from a long workday, and sit in the armchair, perfectly flat and very tired – and when someone asks you a question, you snap back because you simply cannot relate to more now?

If so, I can tell you a secret: You are NOT in balance!

Balance is, very simply said to be present right where you are and know that you are exactly where you should be.

If you ask yourself this question: “If you had only one more year to live, what would you do”?

No one says they want to spend more time at the office or with the to-do list.

Most people say they want to spend more time with family and friends or travel more.

I try to prioritize “ME” first, to take charge in my own life. Only then can I be present for my family and friends.

My belief is that when I prioritize myself first, I am also more present for all those I love. What do you think for example that your loved ones would choose? To have a happy and balanced father, mother, girlfriend, boyfriend, husband, wife or friend, son, daughter etc. that are present and attentive and have chosen to be there! Or one that runs around confused like a hamster in a wheel, trying to satisfy everyone else and be ‘perfect’?

Here are two example of «Wheel of life» you can use for planning your life in balance.










5 Things I’ve learned from writing my two first books

Research says that 81% of us wants to write a book someday; I am one of them. I can cross this goal off of my bucket list in, my first was published in 2007 and I renew the design in 2009, my second book got first out in 2010 and was renewed in 2012.

I started with mentoring in 1999 and I saw very quickly that a kind of book was missing, well maybe not the book itself. But something to put down ideas and thoughts from meetings with the mentor or maybe in trainings.

In the beginning I used a binder but wanted it to be smaller, to fit in a bag or maybe a (a bit big) pocket. And in the end the book is 5.83 wide x 8.26 tall, the perfect size.

But on to what I have learned.

1. Know why the book is needed. Know the reason why you want to write and why the book is necessary. And, knowing ‘why’ will help you stay with it when it gets hard —and it will.

2. Self-publish or traditional publisher. No doubt that traditional publisher can help you with a lot of things, but they also have opinions on the book. In my experience my traditional publisher wanted to change a very important thing in the book, and I refused to do it. So therefore I decided to self-publish the book.

3. Research. Don´t get stuck in research, because it’s very easy to do so. I read over 30 books and ended up in circle, and nothing was new. There were 3-4 “truths” about mentoring and all the books was about one of them.

4. Writing process. I pictured myself sitting in a cozy coffee shop finding the perfect words, but find myself having glory days and not so glory 

days. And especially because I self-publish no-one was hanging over me with a deadline.

5. Sales process. As an self-publisher you are on your own when it comes to sales, logistics and others. I found very helpful and getting me to and And also they have different marketing pack so you can buy the advice you need to sell the book.

If you want to start with something a bit smaller project than a book, why don´t you start with a blog.

I use WordPress and I find it easy to use.

Good luck with your writing…

A new year coming up

2013 is soon over and I have been a blogger for 5 year (started in june 2008). And every year I start with a blog post about personal planning and how to plan your year, because I believe in planning and working towards a goal.

And this year is now exception, and in december I wrote about Powerful development plan  , go in and see what you think about that one. Or of course you can use this on – that is last years.

Regardless the planning or not I want to wish you HAPPY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR

Is it time for a reinvention?

The new buzz word, at least in Norway, is reinvention. Use one week as an hell week and do things you normally don´t do, which I find very interesting. Many people does the same thing day after day, and some even expect different results.

As Albert Einstein said:

«Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again-and then expect different results.»

You can not keep doing exactly the same as you do every day, yet expect different results. You can not continue to perform the same routines in action, word and thought every day and expect to see changes in your life. Your life will change in the extent of your actions and thoughts change.

SO, if you feeling stuck? Or inspired? Today offers you the perfect opportunity to take stock of your life. One thing is certain… maintaining the status quo is not an option.

You can also compare it to your business and reinvention has resulted in some of the world’s greatest business success stories. Companies that launch with the intention to do one thing often end up finding their grand opportunity lies in a completely different direction. Taking advantage of the opportunity requires a reinvention of thought and strategy—and the effort pays off. For instance, as a startup, Flickr was an online game project and chat room…

Soon it will be new years eve and a perfect time to relax with the family and good friends and think about 2014. How can you get your best year ever, or maybe why won´t you have your best year ever. It´s your choice…

Getting the Most out of Mentoring

I strongly believe in the power of mentoring in developing leaders. During my years with mentoring I have found that there are things you can, as a mentee, can do to get the most out of the mentoring sessions.

I have developed a MENTOR-model:

M – meet
E – explore
N – needs and requirement
T – time and resources
O – options
R – review


Meet. It is important to prepare everything ahead of the mm-meeting (the meeting between mentee and mentor), f.ex. when and where it should be, how much time you have,do you have an agenda and what are the mentees goals. Send it to your mentor before the meeting.

Explore. At the mm-meeting it is important to get an overview of the current topic, what have the mentee done since the last meeting. Check whether the goals and agenda has been changed.

Needs and requirement. Now you should find out what the mentee requires to achieve its goals, which

challenges that exist and what is it the mentee really, really want.

Time and resources. To move forward, it is important to find out when the mentee wants to achieve his/her goals and what resources are important for this (people, equipment, etc.)

Options. All the various measures to achieve the goal will be discussed here and you will find the ones that is appropriate.

Review. Finally, it is important to summarize what you have agreed on and what the mentee has to do until the next mm-meeting. And not least, check if the mentee has regained the goal for the meeting.

I have also put together some questions for each step, this will come in an article no. two.

Sodexo trends

I am so very happy that mentoring is in the trends for 2013, for me that is important. Telling me that mentoring still is important, so important that it is among the other «IMPORTANT TO DO IN 2013».

I am working on mentoring for entrepreneurs and that really is the future. The future for business and the future for personal development.

More on mentoring entrepreneurs is to come, so stay tuned

Comfort zone

I came across this video about comfort zone and how to look at this serious matter. In a simple and funny way, the video, you will learn a lot about yourself and maybe why this is so difficult.

To go from comfort zone to no experience zone, also called the learning zone, is for many people a panic zone. It is not easy to manage uncertainty without a proved methodology. Meaning that in your comfort zone everything is certain, you know what to do and what to come next.

But in the no experience zone, or the learning zone, you feel a bit as Bambi on ice. You don’t know what to do.

This video will actually help you in personal development, so take a look here: «Dare to dream»