David Clutterbuck Partnership – No. 2 on The Best Mentoring Blog 2012 list

 He is regarded as a leading global authority on coaching and mentoring, and on Board behaviours. And one of the world´s most thought-

provoking and entertaining speakers and writers on management and human resources. He is an author of more than 50 books;

he brings a wealth of practical experience and leading edge research to developing leaders at the top.


Clutterbuck is a serial entrepreneur and frequent speaker around the world. He has co-founded a charity that uses mentoring approaches to support social inclusion of young people with learning difficulties and/or autistic spectrum disorders. Each year, he sets himself a major new challenge – for example, climbing Mount Clutterbuck, British Columbia, qualifying as a masseur and, last year, learning to be a stand-up comic.

To read more at David Clutterbuck Partnership blog, just click on the logo.

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