How to find the right mentor

The topic is still very important, how do you find the right one. The question isn´t IF you should have a mentor or not, but how to find the right mentor.

But it is not that easy… 

Here is the crash course from Leslie Rapp the director of training and development at Menttium, a provider of corporate mentoring services and research metrics on business mentoring based in Minneapolis.


  • First, think about you. Exactly why do you need a mentor? What do you hope to learn? Then figure out the kind of person who can best inspire you. For example, if you’re starting from scratch, look for a mentor who did, too.
  • Do you actually need a mentor? If you have a specific problem to solve, you may want a consultant. If you’re stuck in a rut, a professional coach could be a better choice.
  • Start with small talk. You meet potential mentors every day, not that they go around introducing themselves that way. Ask them about their work and their life, and see where it leads. Rapp particularly likes to ask how they came to do the work they do: «I never get a straight-line answer, and the story tells me a lot.»
  • Then spell out what you want. Asking «Will you be my mentor?» is a pretty sure way to make potential mentors flee. Instead, say you want to learn more about what they do and that they would be a great resource. Suggest meeting every quarter, or having coffee once a month. Be specific.
  • The answer may be no, and that’s OK. Keep searching, and know that you’re a good judge of character: Great mentors don’t say yes to things they can’t commit to.


    What is your experience, tell us here at about how you will find the right mentor for you.

    Good luck!

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