Living your life with some ground rules

I got very inspired when I got newsletter from Brendon Burchard, talking about his fathers rules of life. I sat down and started the process of my own rules of life.

Brendon Burchard is «One of the top motivation and marketing trainers in the world.» — says Larry King
Mr. Burchard is #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Millionaire Messenger and The Charge
And he is one of the Top 100 Most Followed Public Figures on Facebook

Her is Brendon Burchard telling about his own rules of life in this podcast.

Do you have life rules? I think it is a good way of telling your kids (the next generation)about life and how to live it. I will post Mr. Mel Burchard`s rules of life, to inspire you to write your own.


Good luck!

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