Congratulations Thor-Erik Gulliksen, new IG!

 Dear Thor-Erik Gulliksen,



On behalf of the JCI Training Commission we are pleased to inform you that your application for IG, International Graduate, was APPROVED. You will soon receive by regular mail, your International Graduate Certificate from JCI Headquarters.


The members of the JCI Training Commission would like to congratulate you for this outstanding achievement and welcome you to the International Trainers team.  As a member of JCI select group of experienced trainers, you are invited to continue your support to JCI by conducting international training courses as well as involve, inspire and support the new trainers who are working hard to climb the steps of the JCI Training.  At the same time, we encourage you to keep your focus on reaching the maximum level in the JCI Training Certification, the ITF (International Training Fellow).


As an International Graduate (IG) you are also qualified to become Head Trainer for JCI Designer if you already have attended the JCI Head Trainer course and have conducted all modules of JCI Designer as Assistant Trainer.



You can also offer to conduct a short course at JCI Conferences and/or Congress, especially if you are already planning on attending.


Please continue to log in the training hours you conduct in your database at JCI’s website and as soon as you reach the number of hours required and have completed all other requirements for the next level, you can apply to become an International Training Fellow (ITF).


Thanks again for all your hard work and dedication.  We hope to see you conducting training courses on the international level.




All the best!

JCI Training Director

Elena Beskinskaya
2010 Training Commissioner for Europe

IG Application – again and again

 An application like this is heavy work, and I am almost finish. I must say that the training no is so much better than the last one. I can really say that going trough the stuff over and over again is worth it in the end.


Small changes ahead and then it is done and ready for upload at


I really hope for more trainings in Europe. I have done a lot in Norway, of course, but also in Sweden. But I want to do some more outside the nordic countries.


Will see, this is so excited.

Re: Thor-Erik Gulliksen, Your application for IG was not accepted

 What the he… I thought. They didn´t accept my training, seriously it was a good training. But as I was reading the feedback I thought differently, maybe they were on to something. Look here is the feedback:


Dear Thor,

JCI Training Commission evaluated your course and there are suggestions for improvement:



Please, check your course to nbe more accurate prepared: color in notes for trainer does not match –red is activity but its used for instructions for trainers; Different fonts…. Language mistakes



In general more clear instructions and details are needed. Look at your course by the eyes of the trainers who will probably does not know about topic – they will just download the course and will do it.. so it should be as much clear as possible.



Expectations are not only for trainer, but mostly for trainees…



In the active listening part – it does not seems like a lecture.. more like information…. Seems like taken from some book – please, organize it like a lecture. Also the link in the exercise with active listening between activity and debrifieng is needed.



Activity, especially the last one should be  related to the development. Last activity is useless… One of suggestions is  to add instruction about  development of new skill for example..


 Last words after last exercise are the same as at the beginning… also its said – you will now learn more tool. And after its summary – please check that you finesh what you want to express.


And one general comment about the course. JCI Training Commission know that the concept of the Active listening part was designed with Kai Roer. So we don’t mind to see the same concept in your course also.

In the same time we kindly ask you to re write it by your own words. So any concept can be presented in different ways and we need to see your own ability to do it.


So, as soon as you do all improvements, we are looking forward to see your application again



 WOW, I thought it was pretty rough, but I got it under my skin and started working. And here I am at this very day. Working, working and working…



But da… it is going to be very good…. 

More about the IG application

As you have understand, It`s not easy to get the application through the JCI Training Commission. And I got an email from the leader about my application.

The first email they wanted me to explain why one of my tools “Active listening” (the very first tool in the Big Five) was very alike some other trainings without taking them in as an reference. Or as they said:

«The JCI Training Commission received your application for IG and by checking the course it was detected that a great part of your course is an identical copy of another course submitted earlier by another trainer.

Because you did not mention the other course or trainer in the credits, the JCI Training Commission would like to hear your explanation on this issue».

I should have seen this coming, It was Kai Roer ( and his training “Active listening”. That was his application for ITF (International Training Fellow, the highest rank in JCI).

We have been developing some trainings around mentoring together and therefore it has some similarities. And I didn`t think of that when I listed up the credits and references.

After sending an email to explain that, and put the right credit where it belongs. AND upload the trainings once more, they told me that they would look at it again.

The next email from the training commission was some small changes to lift the training to the right level. I can`t wait to start working on the changes when I am back from Tunisia and sitting in Sweden (my wife’s parents).

Becoming an IG Trainer in JCI

 Reading the last blogpost you got an idea of what a trainer have to do. And go from JCI Prime to CLT (local trainer) to CNT (national trainer) is through at least 50 hours of training, and most of them inside JCI.


After becoming a CNT you have to start train outside your country. For me as a norwegian it is vital to hold a lot of trainings in english. Both for the sake of being better in english but also to learn other cultures. And of course it is different things to think about when holding a training in Norway on norwegian and doing trainings in a different country in english.


I have been around indifferent countries an doing trainings, and the last ones was in Sweden. I was doing both a mentoring training ("The Big Five") and a leadership training together with Kai Roer ( and Karolina Luna a whole weekend.


So for my next level in JCI training lather, I have to apply for an IG.


International Graduate (IG)

A CNT seeking certification at level 3 – International Graduate (IG) – is required to:


1. Conduct a minimum of three different training sessions for a total of at least 25 hours of training at the international level, outside the trainer’s own country of affiliation and residency.

A minimum of 15 hours must be conducted in courses organized by JCI local or national organizations officially affiliated to JCI and 10 hours of non JCI training is accepted.


2. Design and submit an original one–hour training course, with full rights to JCI.

The training course must be designed using the official JCI Training Course Templates and include: Trainer’s Guide, Participants’ manual and PowerPointTM slides.


So having designed a new training (Introduction to The Big Five – a one hour training session) and sent the aplication I now have to wait and see what the JCI Training Commission have to say about my training. 


Of course I would get it back and have to do some more work on it, but we have to see. I will ceep you posted.


By the way, here is why I am doing all this. Read what JCI Training Commission say about the trainers becoming an IG:


Achieving IG level certification is a mark of distinction and personal and professional excellence in adult learning. IGs are trainers who are willing to go the extra distance to help their peers to become stronger leaders, more dynamic trainers, and more effective managers. 


Certification Levels for Trainers in JCI




JCI is a worldwide community of young active citizens ages 18-40 who share the belief that in order to create positive change, we must take collective action to improve ourselves and the world around us. With over 5,000 Local Organizations in more than 115 countries and territories, JCI forms a vibrant international network with nearly 200,000 members. Engaging in activities ranging from community development to international projects, members demonstrate their social responsibility and improve themselves through participation, leadership and action. The global citizens of JCI are committed to becoming better leaders to build a better future for all.


And for us trainers in JCI we have a guide to follow and a certification program. Maybe the only one in Europe.



For the trainers:

To guide trainers along the path of excellence, JCI Training has established a Certification Program – a road map to achievement in the field of training. The program provides incentives and opportunities for members to improve their technical skills through specialized training, career development programs, and active participation in training efforts in the field.


JCI members are encouraged to seek advanced certification after successfully completing the JCI Trainer course. 



JCI Trainer

The first step is to acquire the necessary presentation skills by attending JCI Presenter. With newly learned presentation skills, JCI Trainers are equipped to offer their local organizations a wide range of training sessions available from JCI.



A JCI Trainer seeking admission to level 1 – Certified Local Trainer (CLT) – is required to:


* After graduating from JCI Trainer (Prime), complete 25 hours of training in courses organized by JCI Local or National Organizations.



CLTs will continue conducting training at the local level or higher until they complete the total hours to attend a JCI Designer course.



A CLT seeking certification at level 2 – Certified National Trainer (CNT) – is required to:


A. After becoming a CLT, conduct 25 additional hours of training. A minimum of 20 hours must be conducted in courses organized by JCI Local or National Organizations officially affiliated to JCI and recorded in JCI database and having JCI members as participants. 5 hours of training outside JCI is accepted.


C. After fulfilling item A, attend and graduate from a JCI Designer course. 


CNTs have the opportunity to make even more meaningful contributions to JCI by providing regional and national training, and developing new training courses.