The talk – a new podcast from MentorGuru

I have launched a new podcast called «The talk» at Spotify, in the beginning it will be in Norwegian, but some episodes will also be in English.

So if you know or wants to hear/learn Norwegian a link to the Spotify and start listening, there is 5 episodes out already…

Using SWOT as an personal tool

Closing dinner for the 11`th mentoring program

In mid may I had closing dinner for the 11`th mentoring program for NHS, and I want to share with you my speech for both the mentee and mentors. In addition all the mentee had a small speech to their mentor, which we filmed because not all could come. The mentee is students within hospitality and hotel management and the mentors is leaders in the same branch, hospitality and hotel management and development.

«A year has gone and I hope you all have excelled because of the program.
To have a mentor is like being in the spotlight and you have a person who follows you. A person who is genuine and sincere.

To be a mentor is rewarding and you also have that spotlight on you. A person is questioning all you do and you get to reflect over your job role.

For the student (mentee) this is a start, you are in the beginning of your career.
Remember this programmed what it did for your development this year. Use mentors next time also AND when time comes BE A MENTOR!

To all the mentors THANK YOU for your dedication and willingness to help a student in the beginning of a career. And helping NHS to make this a special year for the students.

For Å.H and me its fantastic to see the students in the very beginning, in the interview and seeing them now. Its like another person and we know the impact it can have. We thank you all for participated in this 11`th mentoring program for student at NHS».

Thank you!

Mentoring is a powerful tool

My mentorblog is all about mentoring — what it is, how it works, how you can learn it and also how you can use mentoring to reach your goal!

Mentoring is a powerful and popular way for people to learn a variety of personal and professional skills. In fact, they say that mentoring is one of the oldest forms of influence. And I have been so lucky to work with mentoring and mentoring program for a lot of years now and find it still fascinating.

Mentoring program in Covid-19 times…

In the middle of one of my mentoring programs Covid-19 strikes. And then Norway went into total look down, and almost everything was closed (schools, children garden, bars, restaurant etc) and we were not allowed to meet people. it was like you almost need a permit to go to your office.

In my department all started to use Microsoft Teams, for teaching, training, meetings and discussions. So for one of my mentoring programs it was quite easy to start using Teams for meeting their mentee or mentor.

So when we where closing down the program after one year, we also used Teams, for discussions, feedback and small talks. We misses to meet in real life (IRL), but this was ok as a replacement. But we all miss the dinner.

So yet another program is over and I think the meeting on Teams was a good replacement, but next time we are hopefully back IRL.

How do we perceive change?

Right now we’re all being challenged. Whether it is in the family, with friends or in the business world how much has changed in a short time. And even though we sometimes say «I like change and development», the truth is that we often like the changes we choose for ourselves. Now it can feel overwhelming and paralyzing, it can feel like it’s completely out of our control. And that’s it and we have to accept it.

I have, after 2 weeks in quarantine and 4 weeks with home office, new working methods have pushed me, and now become part of my everyday life. It was just jumping into it and now I’ve had lectures and meetings online and it works really well. For others, there are even bigger changes and one sees that jobs disappear and with that income base. But I hope everyone finds their inner strength, and gets through this until we get «normal» times.   Keep your heart warm – your head cold – and your hands clean …

EMCC 23`rd annual Conference 2017

I am on my way to my first European Mentoring & Coaching Council conference and this year it is Dublin Scotland. I am so excited to be going and not only representing my country as the president of Norway, but also to meet other members and to go to workshop and trainings. 

I hope also to meet my big “mentoring superstar”, David Clutterbuck.
 Sadly I could not be there for any of the masterclasses, but i will be there for the opening. I will also blog about the different trainings and workshop i will attend, hopefully you will find it interesting.

Best Mentoring Blog 2013

In 2011 I created a best mentoring blog ranking that got very popular, actually so popular that I wanted to make this an annual event.

It is not that easy to find those blogs, but I am always searching the net. And I find it right to look at different blogs as a newcomer/first timer within mentoring.

Sorry for the big delay this year but the time has flied away, but here it is. As you will see its not that big shift and the best five is the same as last year, f.ex. is the same blog #1 for the fourth year.



«The List»

1. Mentoring Works with Ann Rolfe

2. David Clutterbuck Partnership

3. Center for Mentoring Excellence with Lois J. Zachary as the Director

4. Managing Mentors with Rene D. Petrin as the President and Founder

5. Perrone Ambrose  with Larry Ambrose with others

6. Mentorguru with Thor-Erik Gulliksen

7. Coach Mentoring Blog with Lis Merrick

8. Peer Resource with Rey Carr

9. GP Strategies with David Clutterbuck and associates (not a blog but a lot of materials)

10. The Mentoring Group from California


I will present each and one of them on the list her at my blog, if you have others please put it in a comment.