Closing dinner for the 11`th mentoring program

In mid may I had closing dinner for the 11`th mentoring program for NHS, and I want to share with you my speech for both the mentee and mentors. In addition all the mentee had a small speech to their mentor, which we filmed because not all could come. The mentee is students within hospitality and hotel management and the mentors is leaders in the same branch, hospitality and hotel management and development.

«A year has gone and I hope you all have excelled because of the program.
To have a mentor is like being in the spotlight and you have a person who follows you. A person who is genuine and sincere.

To be a mentor is rewarding and you also have that spotlight on you. A person is questioning all you do and you get to reflect over your job role.

For the student (mentee) this is a start, you are in the beginning of your career.
Remember this programmed what it did for your development this year. Use mentors next time also AND when time comes BE A MENTOR!

To all the mentors THANK YOU for your dedication and willingness to help a student in the beginning of a career. And helping NHS to make this a special year for the students.

For Å.H and me its fantastic to see the students in the very beginning, in the interview and seeing them now. Its like another person and we know the impact it can have. We thank you all for participated in this 11`th mentoring program for student at NHS».

Thank you!

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