The law of victory

Leaders Find a Way for the Team to Win

(DAY 15 – The 21 Day Leadership Challenge)

When something doesn’t work out, you learn something new. But it’s important not to start with that idea or else you might give in to it. Strive for nothing less than total victory today.

Dig into it:

  • Victorious leaders have one thing in common: they share an unwillingness to accept defeat. The alternative to winning is totally unacceptable to them. As a result, they figure out what must be done to achieve victory.
  • The best leaders feel compelled to rise to a challenge and do everything in their power to achieve victory for their people. In their view…

* Losing is unacceptable.

* Passion is unquenchable.

* Quitting is unthinkable.

* Commitment is unquestionable.

* Victory is inevitable.

  • With that mindset, they embrace the vision and approach the challenges with the resolve to take their people to victory.
  • Three factors that contribute to a team’s dedication to victory:

1. Unity of Vision – Teams succeed only when the players have a unified vision, no matter how much talent or potential there is.
2. Diversity of Skills – Every organization requires diverse talents to succeed.
3. A Leader Dedicated to Victory and Raising Players to Their Potential – Unity of vision doesn’t happen spontaneously. The right players with the proper diversity of talent don’t come together on their own. It takes a leader to make those things happen. It takes a leader to provide the motivation, empowerment, and direction required to win.

  • Leaders who practice the Law of Victory believe that anything less than success is unacceptable. And they have Plan B. That is why they keep fighting. And it’s why they continue to win.
  • How dedicated are you to winning the “fight”? Are you going to have the Law of Victory in your corner as you lead? Or when times get difficult, are you going to throw in the towel? Your answer to that question may determine whether you succeed or fail as a leader and whether your team wins or loses.

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