Word of today – Mentorship

Each day I get a small video from John Maxwell, it´s called «A minute with Maxwell» and today it was about mentoring. So I had to put it out on my web

Today’s «A Minute with Maxwell» video lesson was filmed during my Live Event in Orlando, Florida where I spent three days with my team members that are a part of my John C. Maxwell Coach, Speaker and Teacher Certification Program.

Here is the video


Here is more about John Maxwell

  • Best-selling author of over 74 books
  • Legendary speaker worldwide
  • Global trainer of 6 million leaders in over 176 countries

And his «A Minute with Maxwell» is like a path to success. It’s a video coaching program where I come along side of you each day, teach you the meaning of a word and add value to your life. And then you can ‘spread the word’ and inspire others around the world. Just one word a day can make a big difference in your life-and those of many others!»

His webpage is:

Jim Maxwell

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