SoMe strategy plan

I have been struggling for how to reach my audience and wondering if it’s important to have as many followers as possible or what.

The first thing they all say is that you have to start by understanding who you’re audience are and optimizing your profile to appeal directly to them. Ok, but when you have private people, businesses, schools/universities it’s not that easy.

And then they say that I should have a focus on creating high-quality, consistent content and actively engage with your followers through comments and user-generated content. Well I am doing my best here…

So I did something that many recommend, I asked IA, and wow what an answer. I was kind of blown away…

In seconds I had Defind my goals and objectives, had an audience analysis, content strategy/pillar, a posting schedule, a hashtag strategy and an engagement strategy. So I promise to do it and become better, also in here in my blog.

Getting your best year in 2024

If you are like me you are using the time in the end of a year to prepare making your next year even better.

So starting a new year with the intention of making it your best year ever involves a combination of reflection, goal-setting, and intentional action. Here’s five steps to help you get started:

  1. Reflect on the Past Year:
    Take some time to reflect on the previous year. What were your achievements, challenges, and lessons learned? Understanding your past can help you make informed decisions for the future.
  2. Set Clear Goals:
    Define specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals for the year. Break down larger goals into smaller, more manageable tasks to make progress more achievable.
  3. Develop Positive Habits:
    Identify habits that contribute to your well-being and success. Establish a routine that incorporates these habits into your daily life. Consistency is key in forming new, positive habits
  4. Develop Healthy Habits:
    Consider adopting habits that contribute to your overall well-being. This could include regular exercise, a balanced diet, sufficient sleep, and mindfulness practices. Healthy habits provide a strong foundation for achieving your goals.
  5. Take Action:
    The most important step is to take action. Start working on your goals today, even if it’s with small steps. Consistent action is key to making progress and turning your aspirations into reality.

Remember, making it your best year ever is a process, not an overnight achievement. Stay committed, stay positive, and stay focused on your goals. Celebrate the small victories along the way, and keep moving forward.

And good luck for 2024

Why should I manifest?

It looks like one of the popular buzz word for the time being is MANIFESTING, but what does it mean and should I try it?

Manifesting is the practice of focusing your thoughts, beliefs, and intentions on a specific outcome or desire in order to bring it into your reality. The idea behind manifesting is that by aligning your thoughts and emotions with what you want to achieve or receive, you can attract and manifest those desires into your life.

There are different approaches to manifesting, but the underlying principle is based on the belief in the power of thoughts and the law of attraction. The law of attraction suggests that like attracts like, meaning that positive thoughts and emotions can attract positive experiences and outcomes.

By consciously directing your thoughts, visualizing your goals, and maintaining a positive mindset, you can increase the likelihood of achieving what you desire. The process often involves setting clear intentions, affirming positive statements, practicing gratitude, and taking inspired actions towards your goals.

It’s important to note that while manifesting can be a powerful tool for personal growth and goal achievement, it is not a magical solution or guarantee of instant results. It requires consistent effort, belief in oneself, and a willingness to take action in alignment with your intentions.

Manifesting can be seen as a way to tap into your own inner potential and create a mindset that is conducive to achieving your desired outcomes. It can help you clarify your goals, develop a positive attitude, and stay focused on your aspirations.

Photo: From «The chic life» run by Diana, click on the picture and go straight to the page for more about manifesting and Laws of attraction.

Let go of your past – Say hello to your future

Do you sometime feel stuck in your past. Not because you want to, but because it has become part of your identity. 

Listen, and let me explain:

You were bullied at school and therefore felt "less valuable" when you're among people. Of course, this is not true, but you may still hold onto it to this day because it "became a part of you ”. Are you thinking that, and that's why you still feel less valuable when you're among people.

Or it could be that you were told by your parents that "if you got your act together you could achieve almost anything" and to this day you sit with the feeling that you are still not "doing enough". Because you have not achieved everything.

Or maybe you are always "the funny one", but feel that it has become a slightly worn version of you. A version you want to put down.

And yet you keep repeating your old patterns. Why? Because it gives you some kind of security. A comfortable feeling of something familiar. But is that kind of security really that important to you? If it is the same (perhaps even false?) sense of security that keeps you stuck in the past and prevents you from unfolding into the future - is it worth it?

When we discover that old inhibiting patterns have become part of our identity, it is time to let them go. Because they hold us back. They stop us. They make us hit our glass ceiling. This is because we have come to believe that our old ways of functioning are necessary for us to feel like "ourselves".

When you discover it or realize it, you become far. Because then you can talk to a mentor, or a coach. And such a conversation can help you not to be stuck in the old situation anymore. To detach yourself from a self-image that belongs to the past, already here you will discover a huge freedom.

Being able to talk about your pain and your challenges is far better than unconsciously being stuck in them.

Photo by MARK ADRIANE on Unsplash

Design thinking approach in designing your life

Her is the book and its also a workbook you can buy:

Many of you felt something was missing when finished education and starting your first job, Bill Burnett and Dave Evans at Stanford University thought the same for their students. And after teaching design in Stanford University for several years, they realized that their students didn’t have much of an idea about how to kick off their new lives after they graduate. They needed help to design their lives.

Therefore, they created the “Designing Your Life” elective course in Stanford to teach their students how to apply design thinking to their lives and build their careers with fulfillment and joy. The course became the most popular elective in Stanford. Shortly after, its fame expanded to the tech companies in Silicon Valley. Google even has an internal group of facilitators to deliver the “Designing Your Life” program to its employees. For the ones who cannot attend live workshops in the US, Burnett and Evans wrote the book, “Designing Your Life” to share what they teach with the rest of the world.

I saw this very interesting article on Kingstown College website.

Read more about Designing you life and Sinem Bahadırlı and here why into the design thinking world.

How to find a mentor post Covid-19

Photo by Hello I’m Nik on Unsplash

Experts says that mentoring will be even more important after the pandemic. But finding a mentor won’t be easy. So even more important to listen to us «profesionals», Joshua Daniel wrote a good article called «6 Ways to Find a Mentor Post-COVID». He is working in Korn Ferry as a Career Coach and says:

«Judging from the social media profile, it looks like a match. You both share similar interests and experiences. Her posts are both funny and informative, giving the impression that you can laugh and learn from her. She has the experience you don’t (but need). And the best part is that there are mutual connections in common to provide an introduction. So should you ask this person to be your mentor?

Few people question the value of a mentor, but studies show that most workers—54% in one survey—don’t have one. And the pandemic and remote work has only made it harder, of course, given the challenge and awkwardness of trying to find one virtually. “There’s an element of tact needed when approaching someone regarding a potential mentoring relationship.»”

Read the whole article here

How to be relevant at work in the future

It’s not just about keeping up with technology. Interpersonal skills will be at least as valuable to companies in the years to come

Yvonne Fosser wrote that in the new business magazine in Norway called AW (Asking Why).

I totally understand what she thinks and I really agree, and together with being update on your field of expertise. I got five tip for always stay relevant. And my tip no. 5 is maybe a bit strange, but if you have been in the business for a long time, try to get a young person to be your mentor. It’s called reverse mentoring.

1. Take responsibility, then you will get opportunities and you will gain trust.

2. Be constructively critical. Management needs input on what can go wrong, and suggestions for improvements

3. Be an active co-worker

4. Help your colleagues

5. Get a mentor, if you have worked for a long time consider reversed mentoring.