Learning programs

Learning programs

The Mentorguru´s Learning Program is a framework to create a learning environment in your organization. It has been developed by Thor Erik Gulliksen, and reflects many years of experience from creating learning environments in organizations throughout Europe.

A Mentorguru Learning Program combines trainings, coaching, competence measuring and evaluation in a continuing process.

Why use a Mentorguru Learning Program?

The Mentorguru Learning Program starts with the end in mind. We determine the learning outcome and the program goals in close cooperation with the organization, and adopt the content of the program to reach those goals.

The Mentorguru Learning Program is highly flexible. It suits all kind of learning processes – from soft skills (management, leadership, sales+++) to technical trainings. The program is adapted to your needs.

The Mentorguru Learning Program offer great flexibility and adaptability to ensure the highest level of quality. The benefits of using a Mentorguru Learning Program includes (not comprehensivly):

  • framework offer easy implementation
  • teach the teacher programs offer great ROI
  • methodology for identifying and reusing internal competence
  • flexible structure allows step-by-step implementation
  • integrates perfectly with the Mentorguru Mentor Programs
  • adapts to the organizational needs
  • adapts to individual areas of interest
  • same, high quality throughout the process
  • flexibility to mix content, methods and evaluation systems
  • reuses internal resources and knowledge
  • combines one-on-one, classroom, e-learning to ensure cost efficient knowledge transfer and behavior changes

In this ever changing world, knowledge and understanding has become a vital asset to any organization. If you set out to change the world – which we believe you should be, considering you are offering your products to the market – you need to be different. Be better than the rest. Be more innovative. More responsive, and more proactive. Your organization needs to develop and maintain the skills to innovate, produce and deliver your products in such a way that your clients know it is only you who count. In such a way that your competitors gaze in awe, and decides to leave you alone.

Mentorguru creates the environment you need to maintain and develop your internal competence in such a way that you become unique.

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