Waiting for Best Mentoring Blog 2012

I started with mentoring back in 1999 and this blog I started in 2008, some of my goals was to find the best resources for mentoring, thats why I started this list. This year also with a new logo for the list. AND while you wait for the list of 2012 I will repeat the list from 2011…

1 http://mentoring-works.com
2 http://www.mentors.ca/mentor.html
3 http://www.mentorresources.com/blog/
4 http://www.justaskpublications.com/
5 http://www.yess.co.nz/index.html
6 http://www.ppv.org/ppv/index.asp
7 http://www.centerformentoringexcellence.com/index.php
8 http://www.coachingnetwork.org.uk/Default.htm
9 http://www.management-mentors.com/
10 http://carsmentoring.org/main.php
11 http://www.heart-to-heart-mentoring.com/index.html
12 http://www.mentors-mmha.com/about.php
13 http://www.coachingandmentoring.com/
14 http://paamentoringblog.com/about/
15 http://www.careersystemsintl.com
16 http://www.mentorsatwork.com/index.html
17 http://www.merryck.com/us/home#merryck-team
18 http://www.sagementors.com/

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