What To Talk About When There’s Nothing To Talk About

In the time-poor environment that we have created, mentorees are very concerned about wasting their mentor’s time. Mentorees are often hesitant to contact their mentor or schedule meetings when they have no burning issue to discuss. This is a mistake.

You might feel there’s no point meeting at times when you have no problems. When you are working toward longer-term goals and are progressing but have no current actions or outcomes to discuss, a meeting may seem unnecessary. And it’s easy to skip meeting if you are very busy with day-to-day activities and haven’t focused on your personal development since the last mentoring conversation.

It is good to have an agenda for mentoring conversations, even if it’s just a few bullet points, because it shows respect for the mentor’s time, it helps maintain focus and provides both parties with a sense of accomplishment and completion. However, a lack of an agenda should not stop a mentoring conversation. Mentors may need to take the lead to reassure their partner of their commitment because mentoring conversations when it seems «there’s nothing to talk about» may be vital.

No Problem
Mentoring conversations are not just about solving problems or making decisions. They are about the availability of a person, with whom to have a conversation that provokes creative and critical thinking. A key benefit of mentoring is the relationship. However, the relationship needs to be established and well maintained if problems or important decisions are to be confidently shared when they do arise.

Conversations about what is going well are extremely useful too. Celebrating success is not simply a feel-good exercise. The purpose of mentoring is to create and capture insight, then use it. Reviewing positive outcomes and satisfaction will reveal and reinforce the constructive behaviours that led to success and clarify personal values and priorities. By listening and questioning a mentor can facilitate much greater awareness and positive actions that will enhance the mentoree’s life.

Long-term Goals
People often use mentoring to identify career direction and work towards it. These goals are not usually achieved over night but as a result of specific actions over time. So naturally, there will be pauses between. In a mentoring program over a finite period, the early momentum can come to a halt after initial action steps are implemented. Some mentoring relationships can survive long gaps between contacts but some won’t. People wonder how best to get value in the interim.

It is useful to have a «default agenda» a standard format that produces constructive conversation. This could be as simple as reviewing the week/fortnight/month’s highlights and low points and accomplishments. The mentor may ask a series of questions that prompt reflection and learning, such as: «what’s working well for you, right now?» and «what could be improved?» My mentor asks: «what is your greatest challenge, right now?» A new, short-term goal and actions, or at least awareness and focus, often result.

Personal Development
No matter what qualifications, age or career stage one has achieved, on-going personal development is a must. Even if an individual development plan negotiated with a manager, linked to performance appraisal and formalised, taking personal responsibility for self-directed learning and development is essential. It is easy, to let the demands of day-to-day work and hectic life style get in the way of personal aspirations and our growth as a human being. If we lose sight of what is truly important, if we have no sense of purpose, life can become a meaningless round of chores interspersed with moments of instant gratification.

Mentoring conversations are all about discovering meaning and purpose – for mentors as well as mentorees. The mentor might share his or her own life-lessons and insights that led to personal development. This can be immensely valuable to both parties .

The social support offered by relationships, should not be underestimated in the too-busy life so many of us lead. When you don’t have time, or have nothing to talk about may be exactly the time to have a mentoring conversation! Investing time really communicating another human being, taking time out to pause and reflect or simply stoping to smell the roses (or the coffee) is never a waste of time! That’s how mentoring works.

The author of this article is Ann Rolfe, and was first published in 2010 on www.mentoring-works.com.

How To Maintain The Momentum Of Mentoring

Mentoring program coordinators need to have ongoing communication with participants to stimulate engagement, motivation and answer questions or concerns. But how do you keep up the contact in a useful and interesting way? Many successful programs send regular Mentoring Works Tips.

Mentoring Tips could be one page, easy to read and practical. They should be designed for mentors and suitable for mentorees and managers. Consistently delivering Mentoring Tips:

  • Provides mentors with information, tools and motivation
  • Keeps mentorees engaged in the process
  • Informs managers of mentoring techniques and benefits


The author of this article is Ann Rolfe, and was first published 10. november 2010 on www.mentoring-works.com.

Working book for the mentee

Last week my latest book for the mentee was finished and came from print. I use «print on demand» and www.lulu.com

The book looked very god in the new design, and I have started on translate it to english. I have a good friend in the US who will do it for me. As a lawyer, writer and trainer he knows what to do.

For now the book is in norwegian, just send me an email if you want to order.

The price is Euro 16,25 + shipping.

Young Enterprice Oslo

I am going back to The Norwegian Mentor Program and a training for their mentors. They are doing a mentor program for the young leaders in Young Enterprice in Oslo and Akershus in Norway.

They are being mentors to help young students in their work as leader in their school businesses. More about this will come later.

20 Questions to Develop a Successful Mentoring Program

As you may know, I am conducting a lot of mentoring programs both for schools and for businesses. And it is always interesting to see how successful a program is getting. One of the critical thing is the client, not only the goal for the program but also how to implement it.

I am now working with a school and they are doing a lot of the job to get the price down. This is critical for a school and it is important for me to accept that. But the downside is that I am loosing a lot of the control. The control that I want, but in this case don`t have.

So when conducting a mentoring program you can use this article belov, and work with the 20 most important thing to get a successful mentoring program. I know I want that in the next program for my client.

I find this interesting article from The Lindenberger Group

To read more, click here:


Where Passion Meets Purpose

I come over this community for people who want to share their unique skills with others.

MentorWorks blends mentoring, coaching and consulting services from trusted knowledge experts, creating a one-of-a-kind marketplace to learn skills and find resources.


I sign up for a membership today, it´s free, I´m looking forward to try it.

You can also follow them at twitter twitter.com/mentorworks

Why Join a mentor program?

Joining a mentoring program is a very powerful tool that can help you reach your potential because of the training and empowerment it provides. Mentoring is also one of the most effective ways for you to advance in your career because your skills are developed and your performance is monitored.

In short, mentoring enables you to be the person you really want to be.

A mentor will help a mentee believe in his or her capabilities as a person. Because of this, the self-confidence of the mentee will be improved and they will be more apt to accept more challenges in the future. The mentor would also enable the mentee to explore new ideas so that you can achieve a higher level of self-assurance in yourself and explore even greater highs of success. The mentoring program will be an opportunity for you to take a deeper look at yourself, your goals, your personality, and your life. This will enable you to know which the right path you should take in life is.

I found this on http://www.linkroll.com/mentoring/ and it was so good written and described.

Trainers in Europe


Right now I am working, together with Kai Roer (www.bebetter.no)  on a really exciting mentor program, for trainers in Europe. Junior Chamber international (www.jci.cc) is a worldwide organization for young leaders between 18 and 40 year.
They operate more and more like a professional training organization and aim to continuously develop new and young trainers by coaching and providing opportunities to train with more experienced trainers.
And I am developing a mentoring program to increase the number of trainers in Europe in 2009. In short we provide a trainer (adept) with a more experienced trainer (mentor) to help the adepts further in their trainer career. Especially for trainers who wants to train outside their own country. We put the adept and mentor together and train the mentors to be a good mentor in seminars across Europe in 2009.
Hopefully we get as much as 30 adept and mentor pairs (our goal) working together to boost their training career.
I will post more about this and if you have any question write them her at the mentorguru.info