Anyone living in Davenport, USA?

If so, Davenport School invites anyone interested in helping children learn to a free tutor and Mentor.
I fell for it, and had to put it in my blog. Here are Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) of Eastern Iowa and Western Illinois looking for more mentors for students in Davenport School.

Talk about getting all citizens to work for a good cause!

They put together a seminar October 8th, 1:30 PM at the Davenport Schools Administration Center, 1606 Brady Street Davenport, IA.

And the attendees will learn strategies and techniques for tutoring and mentoring plus what to expect when volunteering in a school setting.

Fantastic! If you live in Davenport and are an elder, don`t you dear not to volunteer!

Read more about this at

Training at JCI Evolution Mentor program 2008/2009

I have just received an invitation to train at the JCI Evolution (Trondheim in Norway) mentorprogram for 2008/2009.

I am going to train all the young people in personal development, the first seminar and a fundamental at the program.

See more at (in norwegian).

This is going to be so much fun, I enjoy very much educating young people. To help them in their beginning of their career.

Community Mentoring Programme

WOW, I came over this wonderful video at and they were talking about how you could use mentor program to help kids make something out of this world.

The organization is called: «The 100 Black Men of London» and was formed in April 2001. Their Mission is:
As a group of concerned African-Caribbean men, the 100 Black Men of London seek to improve the quality of life in our communities and to enhance educational and economic opportunities through pooling together our collective resources.

And their Vision is:
The 100 Black Men of London recognise the challenges confronting our youth today and will endeavour to provide leadership and support. In essence, to create an environment where our youth are motivated to achieve and empower themselves to become economic and moral shareholders in the communities we serve.

Follow this link and look at the excellent use of mentoring, helping young people out in the world.

If you now of other projects like this, please let me know.

My book project

I am writing two books about mentoring. They are handbooks for the involved part in a mentoring relationship.
I have learned in my years working with mentoring that both adepts and mentors don`t get the full potential out of the time they spend together.
The reflection part and the overall perspective is less because they take easy on the fact that writing down all thoughts is important.
It is important if you want personal growth to take notes. So my project is to find some tool to make it more easy for both adepts and mentors.

I am writing one book for the adept and one for the mentor. Mentoring is an exciting topic and it is easy to find a lot of material, but more difficult to select the most important.

Care to comments or tip me of topics you are more than welcome

Mentorpilot in Norway

Today I attend a pilot mentorprogram in three counties (Hordaland, Troms and Sogn og Fjordane) within Innovation Norway ( The adepts are young entrepreneurs and mentors are more experienced business people.

It is wonderful to sit and hear a lot of people talk about mentoring and all the benefits. Especially Shahzad Rana ( with his long experience as an entrepreneur and in the judge in the program at TV2 ( «Skaperen», with his dear focus on entrepreneurship. And Jeroen Scüssel (www.startnowcoaching) talking about the tools as an mentor`.

And Ingrid Roynesdal ( about here experience with mentors as an adept. With here many years as an tennisplayer (winner of 14 norwegian championship and 15 years as an professional pianist. She has a very long experience as an adept using various mentors.

In the end Jennybeth Ekeland ( was talking about all the myths about adept and mentors and their relationship.

A very good day and I am looking forward to hear more about their year as an entrepreneur with an mentor. Good luck everyone!

Welcome to Mentorblog

Mentorblog is all about mentoring – what it is, how it works, how you can learn it and also how you can use mentoring to reach your goal!

Mentoring is a powerful and popular way for people to learn a variety of personal and professional skills. In fact, they say that mentoring is one of the oldest forms of influence. And I have been so lucky to work with mentoring and mentoring program for a lot of years now and find it still fascinating.

And of course I will also recommend good books I read!