Anyone living in Davenport, USA?

If so, Davenport School invites anyone interested in helping children learn to a free tutor and Mentor.
I fell for it, and had to put it in my blog. Here are Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) of Eastern Iowa and Western Illinois looking for more mentors for students in Davenport School.

Talk about getting all citizens to work for a good cause!

They put together a seminar October 8th, 1:30 PM at the Davenport Schools Administration Center, 1606 Brady Street Davenport, IA.

And the attendees will learn strategies and techniques for tutoring and mentoring plus what to expect when volunteering in a school setting.

Fantastic! If you live in Davenport and are an elder, don`t you dear not to volunteer!

Read more about this at

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