Training for the mentee

First they work with «Where are you»? with strength, weaknesses and values. And then they go into «Where do you want to go»? and here they will dream and work with SMART-goals.

And in the end «What do you need to get there»?

The participants are ready for their first training in Mentor-LELO mentoring program in Stavanger for refugee. We start with Lifeplanning which would be their fundament and they will do a personal travel within themselves.

Recruiting refugee to a mentoring program

Our first gathering in Stavanger was to recruit refugees and mentors for Mentor-LELO´s first mentoring program in Stavanger. We have offices in the innovation park and we where 22 people interested. at this first gathering the main focus is to get to known the people, the people should have a positive attitude too us and that they know what a mentoring program is. We had some training within some personality analysis, we use it to get to know them and to match mentee and mentor.

In addition Latifa Anda, my partner in Mentor-LELO her story, she is a refugee herself, and Shabana Rehman Gaarder told about Born Free initiative and why they wanted to be collaborator with us. And I was talking about being in a mentoring program and the schedule for this program.


People ask what our company name means, and I will give you guys an answer here.

Mentor is ok right? Ok, we all know that…

L = Living

E = Exceptional

L = Life

O = Opportunities

So we have a big goal in the company, to help people live an exceptional life… wow, I can’t wait to start…go go go…

Making an impact in real life

MENTOR – The National Mentoring Partnership is working with mentoring in the US. And their mission is to fuel the quantity and quality of mentoring relationships for America’s young people and to close the mentoring gap. Pretty big statement and mission right?

They do so by bringing a mentor to young people.



Learn more about this fantastic engagement here

Powerful and cost-effective

Mentoring is arguably one of the most powerful and cost-effective ways of helping people expand and achieve their aspirations. There is also strong evidence that it is a very effective means to retaining talent in organisations, and to create and sustain desired corporate culture. It also offers one of the highest returns on investment in supporting entrepreneurs, addressing societal disaffection amongst the young, and building bridges between cultures and communities.

The conference is open to members and non-members, so please let your colleagues and networks know about this event.

26. of October is the date and Barcelona in Spain is the place

Book her: 1 st International Mentoring Conference

1 st International Mentoring Conference

This first EMCC International Mentoring Conference brings together a wide range of expertise from multiple sectors and across countries. Its aim is to showcase good practice, along with emerging themes and applications, with a view to making mentoring programmes and relationships even more impactful. The conference will also be a great place to explore the ISMCP (International Standards for Mentoring and Coaching Programmes) accreditation offered by EMCC.

Whether you are already engaged in mentoring, or are planning to use mentoring in support of change, you will find the conference a unique opportunity to explore what works well, and less well, and to acquire new ideas and approaches.


The conference is open to members and non-members, so please let your colleagues and networks know about this event.

26. of October is the date and Barcelona in Spain is the place

Book her: 1 st International Mentoring Conference