How do I plan for 2013

Going from 2012 to 2013 got me to think about Confucius when he talked to his student about planning.

The student: Where do you think I should go?

Confucius:It depends on where you wanna go

The student: It doesn´t matter that much

Confucius: Then it doesn´t matter where you go

It´s a good story about planning and I am sitting and planning my 2013, wanna know where I want to go. First of all I think it is important to know where you come from and what you have in your baggage. Therefor i use «The wheel of life».

This one I found here


This is my platform, this is where I come from. I find myself between 1 and 10, and even if it´s only 3, that is my baggage. I have to start from there…

I then start by brainstorming the 8 dimensions of my life that is important for me. When you do the same you can put in and take out which dimensions that are important for you.

My dimensions are: Business/Career – Finances – Health – Family and friends – Romance/My marriage – Personal growth – Fun and recreation – Physical Environment.

I will then have identified all the dimensions and I will find areas that need attention, meaning below 7. I will then find actions needed to work on regaining balance and there is where most of my goals for 2013 are.

F.ex. if I don´t spend enough time with my friends one of my goals for this year would be to find more time to meet my friends. And on Business/Career I put in my two big projects for 2013. Then I take f.ex. one of the projects and set up goals on short and long terms.


This is one way to do it, earlier I wrote about a Life Plan, thats also a very good way to do it. I guess the most important here is that you actually do it, planning there is…







10 steps to programming your dreams – Part II

With the help oflucid dreaming, i.e. programming yourself for a specific dream, you can get answers to questions that remain open in real life and reveal some secrets of your personality. This is the last five steps in a 10-step guide to dreaming what you want to dream:

6. Learn to enter in the altered states of consciousness, which accompany us before and after sleep. Do not fall asleep immediately, as soon as your head touches the pillow, and do not jump out of bed immediately after waking up. A state between dream and reality is a sort of window to the worlds where we can get important information.

7. During falling asleep, when you are in such an altered state of consciousness, vizualize the smallest details of the picture you want to dream. Engage your imagination and fantasy

8. When you wake up, do not rush back to reality and try to cling to the remnants of the picturesthat have not yet completely evaporated from your mind.

9. When sleep completely leaves you and you are fully awake, write down everything you remember, and everything that pops into your mind, without getting out of bed.

10. If you had a deliberate approach to the dream programming, then you will meet what you wanted to see in the description of your dream. Training yourself in this way every day, you will achieve great results, and then your dreams will become your faithful helpers and allies in the real world.


The whole article can be read here

10 steps to programming your dreams – Part I

In our dreams we encounter the subconscious, which can tell a lotabout our lives and help resolve difficult situations. With the help oflucid dreaming, i.e. programming yourself for a specific dream, you can get answers to questions that remain open in real life and reveal some secrets of your personality. This is a 10-step guide to dreaming what you want to dream:

1. A few hours before bedtime, try to relax and not to overload yourself with unnecessary emotions and experiences, dense meal and physical exercise.

2. Decide on what you want to dream. It should not be a detailed description of the plot, because dreams are built on their own internal logic. Specify what kind of intellectual or creative problem you want to solve, or maybe you want to visit a foreign country, go on an adventure or see your relative who lives far away. In any case, the task should reflect a real situation that bothers you.

3. After specifying the purpose you want to accomplish with the help of your dreams, write it downon a piece of paper.

4. Now you need to get ready for remembering your dream. To do this, put a pad and pen next to your bed in order to write down as more details as possible just after waking up.

5. Program yourself for waking up as soon as you dream what you want to dream. The fact is that in one night we can have several dreams, but, as a rule, we remember only the last one. So it is necessary to wake up as soon as the desired dream ends.

This is a part of the article written by Anna in Learning Mind

12 Habits that will make you a happier person

On the site to Learning Mind they talked about being happy, and for us up in northern europe we are going into the dark times. Meaning that it is winter and the sun isn´t that much here and it is cold. In this time of the year we are more prone to depression, bad mood and sometimes we feel particularly unhappy. But maybe it has to do with the habit of complaining and shifting the blame to the bad weather? Much better is to replace bad words and habits with the good ones that will help us keep a positive attitude and feel happy even in gloomy autumn days.

1. Appreciate every moment

Live today and now. Rejoice every detail: a sunny day, a beautiful scenery, an interesting book, a smiling stranger. Think of someone that cannot see, hear, feel… But you are lucky, so appreciate this.

2. Do what you like

You cannot do every day something that makes you feel unhappy (uninteresting work, annoying “friends”, unloved people). Everyday stress not only prevents live fully, but also deprives health. Find a way to give up things and people that prevent you to be happy and enjoy life. Do not waste your energy on something that does not bring you joy or somebody who does not deserve you.

3. Do not try to be perfect, always be yourself

Do not try to be perfect in everything, it is impossible. Improve yourself, but enjoy the process itself,do not torment yourself with unattainable images. Do not imitate unthinkingly, keep your individuality.


Read the rest of the article here