EMCC 2019 Research Award

EMCC is delighted to announcethe winner of 2019 Research Award Professor Erik de Haan for his research Differences between critical moments forclients, coaches, and sponsors of coaching

Dr Riza Kadilar, EMCC President said ‘With our roots firmly in research since EMCC was founded in 1992, we’re delighted in this our 26th anniversary year to be launching our first ever annual research award.
And who better to receive the first award then Professor Erik de Haan who has been a supporter of EMCC for many years by speaking at our conferences, contributing to our work, and enabling Ashridge to gain EMCC’s coach/mentor training award (EQA) and supervision training award (ESQA).

Erik has over twenty-five years of experience in organisational and personal development, bringing to his work a sensitivity to what moves and motivates people, and a strong analytical ability. He aims to support people in their search for what is ‘right and just’ for themselves and for others in their organisation. Searching for and assuring people’s personal engagement appears to him a key condition for change and development.The research started in Spring 2002 and concluded inSpring 2019, with the publication of the book Critical Moments in Executive Coaching.

Read more here about the award

About EMCC
The EMCC is an internationalcoaching, mentoring,and supervision association established in 1992. EMCC is made up of Affiliated Countries in Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Morocco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdomand the Asia Pacific Region.We have over 6,000 members across more than 70 countries world-wide.EMCC exists to develop, promote,and set the expectation of best practice in mentoring, coaching, and supervisionglobally for the benefit of society. Our vision is to be the ‘go to’body in mentoring, coaching,and supervision.For more information on EMCC visit www.emccouncil.org

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