Mentor prepare yourself

Good mentoring relationship starts with preparation by both parties. As a mentor you should be as aware as possible of what you have to contribute and how your potential contributions can match the needs of the adept.

The adepts too, might prepare a list of questions about what they hope to get out of the mentoring relationship.

The following checklist will give you an idea of the things you will benefit from clarifying as a mentor:

  1. What carees ecperiences have helped me most in my own professional development?
  2. What were the most important lessons learned from those lessons?
  3. What «truths» would I want to pass on from those lessons?
  4. If I were to contribute one quotation to my own book about succeding in this organization, what would that quote be?
  5. What have mentors done for me and my development? What kinds of mentoring experiences have been most helpful to me?
  6. If I had the power, what would I change about any of the mentors I have had?
  7. How relevant do I believe my experiences and my professional learning will be to the development of my adept?
  8. As a mentor, how would I like to be remembered?

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