Mentoring program in Covid-19 times…

In the middle of one of my mentoring programs Covid-19 strikes. And then Norway went into total look down, and almost everything was closed (schools, children garden, bars, restaurant etc) and we were not allowed to meet people. it was like you almost need a permit to go to your office.

In my department all started to use Microsoft Teams, for teaching, training, meetings and discussions. So for one of my mentoring programs it was quite easy to start using Teams for meeting their mentee or mentor.

So when we where closing down the program after one year, we also used Teams, for discussions, feedback and small talks. We misses to meet in real life (IRL), but this was ok as a replacement. But we all miss the dinner.

So yet another program is over and I think the meeting on Teams was a good replacement, but next time we are hopefully back IRL.

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