Take Care of Your Mental Health – At Work and Beyond

Mental health is one of the most important aspects of our well-being – and this applies just as much in the workplace. Unfortunately, many people struggle in silence, and the statistics speak for themselves: a full 44% of us feel lonely to some degree, and for many, it has become a challenge to find balance between work and personal life.

So, what can we do to improve our mental health at work? Here are some practical tips:

Set Boundaries
Boundaries are key to avoiding burnout. Know what you can and cannot do, and speak up when things get overwhelming. This is not just to protect yourself but also to ensure that you deliver quality in your work. It’s okay to take breaks!

Establish Stress-Relief Routines
Managing stress isn’t just about what you do when you’re already stressed, but about what you do to prevent it. Find an activity that helps you unwind – maybe yoga, a walk, or music? Having a regular routine for decompressing, especially after a long workday, can work wonders for both your physical and mental health.

Seek Help When You Need It
There’s no shame in asking for help. If things start to get overwhelming, talk to someone. It could be a friend, a colleague, or a professional. Often, putting your feelings into words is the first step towards feeling better.

And let’s not forget – having a mentor or coach can be incredibly valuable when it comes to developing self-awareness and coping strategies for handling work pressure. They’re there to support you and provide advice, whether it’s about goal setting or emotional guidance. So don’t hesitate to seek that extra support.

On this World Mental Health Day, I encourage you to take a few moments to reflect on how you can strengthen your own mental health. And maybe, once you’ve done that, you can call an old friend and give them 8 minutes of your time. You never know what difference a conversation can make.

Listen to my podcast «The talk – by Mentorguru» – in Norwegian to learn more about mental health and tools.

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