The Leadership Effect – Guestblogger


It is with great honour I represent our guestblogger Rik Nemanick, from The Leadership Effect. You will in the following weeks get blogposts about the rules of mentoring.

Ph. D. Rik Nemanick has spent more than 10 years helping organizations get more out of their mentoring programs by focusing mentoring where it will have the most impact, accelerating the development of mentoring partnerships, and building social capital within and between organizations. He co-founded The Leadership Effect in the United States to help companies identify and develop their leadership talent. He is currently working on a book on his Eight Rules of Mentoring.

Rik is an adjunct faculty member in Saint Louis University’s MBA program and an instructor in Washington University’s Masters of Human Resource Management program. He has given seminars on mentoring and organizational change to various professional organizations and through Washington University’s University College. Rik holds a doctorate in organizational psychology from Saint Louis University.

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