The Modern Face of Mentoring

How Young Entrepreneurs are inspiring their predecessors and peers

This was an article in and written by Amy Anderson.

The meaning of mentorship has changed. No longer does the concept of master and apprentice rule the mentorship road. Unless you want to be a cobbler or a carpenter, it’s likely that the traditional roles will be a lot fuzzier than they used to be. “We tend to think of a traditional mentor as someone who is older and therefore more experienced than we are,” says Tory Johnson, best-selling author and founder and CEO of Women for Hire. But today, mentorship reaches beyond age or education, embodying the simple idea of one person with experience passing on what he or she has learned to someone with less experience.

Of course, if each person has valuable experience, knowledge can be exchanged, not just funneled down in a one-way flow. Think of it this way: Who has more experience with managing personal finance—you or your teenager? Obviously it’s the one who can actually remember how to balance a checkbook. (What’s a checkbook?)

But who has more experience with social media, streaming content and link sharing? Yep, the younger “digital natives” of this techno-savvy world, who have many in older generations beat because they grew up speaking the language of fast bits of information, multiple platforms and webs of digital socializing. This technological fluency means they read differently, see ads differently and make purchasing decisions differently.


Read the rest of this article here:

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